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Gracie sits down on the couch and eats some chips. 17:33 

Talia noms on Oreos 17:34 

Talia: So how's your beloved Brendan? 17:35 

Gracie rolls her eyes. "He's not beloved..." 17:35 

Talia: You like him though. 17:36 

Gracie shrugs. "Not really. Anyway, how's your beloved Chris? 17:36 

Talia: Fine I guess. Why? 17:37 

Gracie: Just wondering. 17:38 

Talia: Do you think Brendan is going to stay? 17:39 

Gracie: I dunno. I think so. He's been doing a nice job of avoiding Chris so far. He MIGHT be able to keep it up for the rest of his life. 17:40 

Talia crosses her arms "Mhmm" 17:41 

Brendan joined the chat 17:42 

Brendan hops down the stairs. "Hey, Gracie, did you make dinner again?" 17:43 

Gracie nods and gestures to the kitchen as if to say, "Go get it." 17:43 

Talia sees Brendan and clenches her teeth 17:44 

Brendan smiles and waves at Talia as he walks off into the kitchen. 17:45 

Talia stands up "I'm gunna get some more Oreos. Want anything Gracie?" 17:46 

Gracie shakes her head because she's still trying to eat carefully and she's worried she'll start throwing up again. 17:47 

Brendan sees that Gracie's made spaghetti again and grins, fixing himself a bowl. 17:47 

Talia nods and walks into the kitchen 17:48 

Talia opens the cabinet to where the Oreos are and glances at Brendan 17:48 

Talia: Like the mansion Brendan? 17:49 

Brendan: Yeah. It seems great here. A hell of a lot better than D7. 17:49 

Brendan shakes some parmesan cheese onto his spaghetti. 17:50 

Gracie stares up at the ceiling. 17:50 

Talia takes out some oreos and says quietly "Even with that pedophile Chris around?" 17:51 

Brendan raises an eyebrow. "What?" 17:51 

Talia looks at Brendan innocently. "Well that is what you called him isn't it?" 17:52 

Gracie is kind of bored, so she finishes her chips and decides to go sit at the cliff by the waterfall. 17:52 

Brendan: I ... Uh, yeah, I did. 17:53 

Brendan straightens up. "And he is one, in my opinion." 17:53 

Gracie walks out the front door, shutting it quietly behind her. 17:54 

Derrick joined the chat 17:54 

Talia crosses her arms and glares at Brendan "Because I'm younger than him??" 17:54 

Brendan: Pretty much. You're just, what, fifteen, I think Gracie said? You really have no business dating someone who was already nearly killing people by the time you were just born. 17:56 

Derrick is sitting by the cliff, watching the water rush down and a few fish flopping around. 17:56 

Gracie hums to herself and keeps walking until she's close enough that she sees Derrick and raises an eyebrow. 17:57 

Talia: Killing people?? I've heard you have a record to so you can't say anything about that. It's your fault Chris's sister is dead after all. 17:57 

Brendan winces. "So he told you about that, did he? I know it's my actions that led for Sammie getting sick, but I was just a kid too. I thought she wouldn't catch it. I didn't even know it was killing people at first. I thought they were just sleeping. You really think I'm supposed to live with the guilt of Sammie's death forever? Just like he does?" 18:00 

Gracie stands around awkwardly, not knowing what to do because she's never really seen Derrick outdoors before, just ... relaxing like that. 18:01 

Talia: I never said you have to live with it. But that just shows that you were young when that happened. Wasn't Sammie younger than you?? Why did you want to hang out with her so much? 18:01 

Brendan: Only two years younger. Not seven like you and Chris. And she was my friend. I hung out with her just as much as I tried to hang out with Gracie. 18:05 

Gracie quietly walks over, her boots very light on the rocks. 18:06 

Talia: If I was 22 and he was 29 you wouldn't care. Why do you care anyways? What the hell is it your concern if he's dating me??? Are you just trying to pick out every little imperfection that he has?? He's not a fucking pedophile! It's not like we're having sex or getting married so what the fuck is your problem? 18:09 

Talia clenches her hands into fists and glares at Brendan 18:10 

Anna joined the chat 18 seconds ago 18:13 

Anna walks down from her roommm 18:14 

Anna: (Hi :D ) 18:14 

Brendan shrugs and crosses his arms. "Twenty-two is a lot different than fifteen, though. Trust me, you have a lot of hormones going on right now and I myself made a lot of stupid choices at your age. Look, I'm sorry that what I said pissed you off. It's just how I feel about it. I don't really know you, though, so what you do with him isn't really any of my business at all and I don't really care." 18:14 

Gracie: (hey.) 18:14 

Anna: (IT WASN'T ME) 18:14 

Derrick has his arms around his legs and he turns around when he hears something. 18:14 

Talia: Obviously you do care if you had to say it. And I've made a lot of stupid choices too, but this is not one of them. 18:15 

Brendan shrugs. "Whatever you say. Look, maybe I'm wrong about it. Maybe Chris actually does care about you and he's a completely different person with you than he was in D7. I wouldn't know that, okay?" 18:32 

Gracie sits down beside Derrick. "Hi." 18:32 

Talia sighs "Fine whatever. But the people in this mansion are my friends and if I hear you talking about any of them or me behind my back again I suggest you leave before I find you." 18:34 

Brendan puts his hands up in surrender and smiles, trying to ease the tension by playfully saying, "Okay. I wouldn't want some girl half my size coming after me." 18:36 

Gracie: Uh ... just wanted to say, thanks for making that dinner and apologizing. 18:36 

Talia smirks "You'd be surprised" 18:36 

Derrick shrugs. "I ... didn't think I could actually make you cry like that... I felt bad. For once." 18:36 

Brendan gets a fork and stirs his spaghetti around. "This has probably gotten a little cold by now..." 18:37 

Gracie: You're not a mean guy, Derrick. You just like doing mean things for whatever reason. I don't know why, but if you figure it out and stop it, I'm sure people would like you more. 18:38 

Derrick: Not so sure about that. I made a lasting first impression after all. 18:38 

Gracie smiles and shakes her head. "If there's anything I've learned from living here, it's that this is the place where second chances are born." 18:39 

Gracie pats Derrick's arm and gets up. "See you later." 18:39 

Derrick nods and looks away, staring at the water below again. 18:40

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