Chapter 4

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Indi's POV
We were just riding around and Walker was looking around a lot.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked him.
"Uh. Yea, I'm fine. I also have one more surprise for you" He said.
"Ooo ok" I said getting excited.
"Come with me and you have to close your eyes" he said grabbing my hand. I did as he said and I could hear the ocean as we walked. Is he taking down to the beach? After a few more minutes, he told me to open my eyes and I did and saw this beautiful dinner set up.
"Omg walker you did all of this?" I asked in shook.
"Hehe, I had some help" He said putting his arm arm around me. "You like it?"
"I love it!" I said kissing him.
"Well, let's eat and then I have one more thing to give you" He said.
"You and your surprises" I said laughing. We sat down at the table which had candles and lights all around it, it was absolutely beautiful.
"I have something for you too, when we get back to the house" I said to him
"Awww, ok" He said smiling. I s.iled back. "How did I get so lucky with you" He said starring at me. I started blushing.
"Stopp" I said giggling.
"Haha I'm serious. I'm luckiest guy on the planet" He said grabbing my hand from across the table.
"Well than that makes me the luckiest girl" I said back to him.

We sat at the table for a while just talking and enjoying our time together then of all sudden Walker looked behind me and started looking off.
" What is-" I started but was cut off by someone behind me.
"Well well well, look at what we have here" Someone said. I looked behind me to see Sawyer. Oh no what is he doing here?!
"What the hell do you want, can't you see we're busy" Walker said, tightening his grip on my hand.
"Well, I just saw you guys over here, and thought I should say hi, and see how my girl is doing" He said smirking me.
"If you call her your girl one more time, I swear I will beat the crap out of you" Walker said getting mad. I felt Sawyer put a hand on my shoulder.
"Why don't we get out here" He said to me. I was scared to say anything, I just gripped Walker's hand tighter. He got the hint and stood up.
"Why don't you get out of here" Walker said.
"I will, and I'm taking her with me." As soon as he said that, he grabbed my other hand, pulling me out of seat.
"Stop! I don't want to go with you!"  I shouted. Walker was still holding my other hand trying to pull me back.
"Let go of her, you dumbass" Walker shouted. Sawyer didn't listen and kept pulling me. It was starting to hurt a bit.
"You know what, I'll let you go this time, but I'll be back, and when I do you're not gonna get in the way" He said looking at me then Walker. He let go me and I immediately hugged Walker.
"When you do come back, you won't be getting away" Walker shouted, holding me as tight as possible. Once he was out of sight, Walker just held me, I'm more scared then ever right now. 4 people. 4 people are after me. Piper, Sawyer, Ayden, Jacob. Why, why does all this have to happen 9n our anniversary of all days.
"Hey baby, you wanna go home" Walker whispered. I nodded. "Ok, let me clean this up real quick, then we can go home and watch a movie or something." He said letting go of me. Once everything was cleaned up, we walked back to car as fast as we could, in case. Sawyer was still here. We got in his car and we went home.

~20 minutes later~

Walker's POV
We got home and went upstairs. We got to our room and Indi sat on the bed.
"I'm sorry our night was ruined" I said to her.
"It's ok. It wasn't your fault, it was Sawyer's" she said looking at me. I still felt bad. I shouldn't took her out anywhere, knowing that all of them were out there. Now would be a perfect time to give her this gift.
"Hey, you want your gift now?" I asked her.
"Sure" She said back smiling a bit. I started smiling and took the box the necklace was in out of my pocket. I handed it to her.
"Omg, it's so cute" She said starring at it once she opened it. "Thank you" she said hugging me.
"Of course. Anything for you" I said hugging her back.
"I'm gonna get yours" She said walking to the closet and took out this big bag. She handed it to me, I looked inside and saw a bunch 9f stuff.
"You didn't have to get all of this for me" I said looking at her.
"I know, but I wanted to" She said back smiling. I took the things out of the bag and saw it was this really cool jacket. Some new video games I've been wanting.
And some shoes that I have also been wanting.
"Omg I love all of this. Thank you so much babe. I love you so much" I said hugging her, then kissing her. She started giggling a bit
"Your welcome, and I love you too" She said hugging me back.

Today was a good day I guess, besides the point the fact Sawyer ruined our dinner and almost took Indi. But other than that, we had a good time.
"You are literally the best girlfriend ever" I said to her.
"Well you're the best boyfriend" She said smiling. We heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I shouted.
"Yo guys, so, um you know how you guys have been getting text and stuff from Piper and Sawyer" Gavin asked walking in.
"Yea" Indi said. "Why?"
"Well, Emily is starting to get the same texts" He said. Emily??
"Why? What did she do?" Indi asked.
"I don't know, but she's getting the same messages you guys are" He said. We walked with him downstairs and saw Emily on the couch looking scared.
"Hey, Emily. What happened?" Indi said comforting her.
"I don't really know, I just got a few messages from an unknown number and it was Piper, and she kept saying I was gonna pay for what I did. Like what did I do" She said starting to cry. I felt bad, cause I think I know why.
"Lev, come here for a minute" I said. He got up from the couch and walked towards me
"What's up" He asked.
"Have you told Emily you like her yet" I whispered. He nodded. "Dude, you realize that's probably why Piper is mad at Emily like she is mad at Indi. I used to be Piper's crush, than I started liking Indi. You used to be Piper's crush to until you started liking Emily" I whispered again. "You might want to tell her, before something else happens" I said to him.
"Dude, what if she doesn't like me" He said getting nervous.
"Well, you never know what could happen, you just gotta go for it" I said to him. He nodded.
"Hey guys I wanna say something real quick, I think I know why Piper is coming after Emily" He started to say. "It's because....."

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I'm really excited for tmrw video. I can't wait to see what it is.🥺🥺 Comment and vote what you think will happen and if Lemily could happen. This is just fanfiction so don't take it to seriously, Byeeeee💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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