Chapter 6

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Indi's POV
I woke up the next morning with Walker next to me. He was on his phone.
"Morning princess" He said kissing my cheek.
"Morning babe" I said
"So what are we doing today?" He asked.
"Ummm, idk, I was thinking we could all just have a chill day" I said looking at him.
"Perfect idea" he said smiling. "Do you wanna use the bathroom first" he asked.
"Yeah, sure" I got out if bed walked in the closet to pick something out to wear and then went in the bathroom.

~15 minutes later~

I walked out of the bathroom wearing these sweatpants with one of Walker's shirts.
"Is that my shirt" He asked chuckling.
"Maybeee, how could you tell?" I asked laughing.
"Cause my clothes are really big on you, and it's cute" He said, hugging me. I hugged him back. We pulled away and he kissed me. I kissed him. I realized he hasn't took his shower yet.
"Walker. you should go take your shower now" I said between the kiss.
"Ughhh, fine. Later?" He said letting go
"Later" I said back smiling at him. He smiled at me then walked in the shower. I sat on the bed and played with my phone until he was done.
After a few minutes he walked out the bathroom wearing a pair of Nike shorts with one of his sweatshirts.
"Ready to go downstairs" he asked me. I nodded before getting and grabbing his hand and going downstairs.

We walked downstairs and saw everyone already up.
"Morning guys" I said.
"Hey" They said back.
"So we're gonna have a chill day today right" Gavin asked. Me and walker both nodded.
"Ok, great, maybe we'll get a break from the drama" Aidan said. We all agreed.
"What should we do first then" Sarah asked.
"Don't we have a game room with a bunch of things" Walker pointed out. We haven't been down there in a while so I kinda forgot about it.
"Oh yeah, we can go down there" I said. Everyone agreed and we went downstairs to play some games and hanging out.

I was playing pool with the girls while the guys were playing video games and I got a call from an unknown number. Who could this be. I just got my number changed.
"Hey Walker, can you come here for a minute?" I asked starring at my phone.
"Yeah, I'm coming" I heard him say then I felt hand on my waist. "You ok?" He asked, then I showed him the number. "Who the hell could that be, didn't you give your number to friends and family only?" I nodded. He took the phone and answered.
"Hello?..... Hello?...... It just cut off, I don't know what that was, but I'm gonna block the number ok?" I nodded. He blocked the number, have me my phone back.
"Thanks" I said hugging him.
"Of course" He said hugging me back, kissing my cheek. We pulled away and went back to what we were doing. The girls asked me
"Everything good?" Sarah asked me.
"Yeah, just a weird phone call, that's all" I explained. They nodded and we finished our game.

~20 minutes later~

We finished our game and decided to watch a movie. I was sitting next to Walker, who had his around me.
"Yo, I'm gonna go up stairs and get something real quick, I'll be right back." Gavin said. We all nodded and he went upstairs.

Gavin's POV
I went to get my phone charger and went up to me and Coco's room and got my charger and was heading back down went the door bell rang. I went to the door and opened it and saw all four of them, I tried closing the door as quickly as possible, but they were all to strong against just me, they pushed themselves in the house and closed and locked the door.
"Why hello Gavin" Piper said. She really has changed..she doesn't look her sweet self, she looks more evil and devilish.
"What do you want Piper" I asked.
"Well I came to see my old friends Walker and Indi, and Lev and Emily" She said. Maybe if I lie, they'll go away.
"They're not here right now" I said hoping that would make them leave.
"Yeah, like we believe that. Boys" J's said looking at them. 8 was confused. Than I saw Sawyer take out a wooden and before I knew it blackness took over me.

Walker's POV
We heard a loud this upstairs.
"What was that?" Coco asked. We all stayed quiet. I sounded like someone was up there, but not just one person, it sounded like multiple.
"We should go check it out" Jentzen suggested. Everyone agreed. We all got up. I was holding Indi's hand as we walked upstairs carefully, we reached the top of the stairs and saw all four of them trashing our place, and we also saw Gavin passed out with blood coming out of his forehead.
"Well well well, look at what we have here" Jacob said.
"Gavin!!!" Coco yelled trying to run towards him. But Ayden pushed her away and she fell backwards
"Coco!" The girls shouted running towards her. I looked at Jacob and he was slowly walking towards Indi but I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind.
"Get out of my way Bryant" He said glaring at me
"Make me" I said back. I slowly pushed Indi behind the other boys and stepped up to Jacob.
"What are you gonna do huh, hit me. Go ahead, I dare you" he said pointing to his jaw.
"Boys no fighting yet. I want walker in one piece" Piper said stepping in, and getting closer to me. "You miss me walkie" She said putting her hand on my chin. I immediately took it off.
"Don't you dare call me that" I said glaring at her.
"Oh sorry, forgot you're still trying to convince everyone you love Indi and everything" She said smirking.
"Not a story. I do love Indi, way more than you" I said.
"Uhuh" Piper said rolling her eyes. "You know what you talk to much, boys" Piper said. I was confused, what the hell were they gonna do. I sudden felt something heavy hit the back of my head, and 8 heard Indi shout something
"Walker!!!!" She shouted. That was the last thing I heard before blackness took over me.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm working on a lot of other things, like I said I'm trying to update every other day. Comment and vote for this chapter 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖 byeee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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