Chapter II

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-Listen to the broken hearts club by gnash-

"Do not despise your own place and hour. Every place is under the stars, every place is the center of the world"

-John Burroughs


My knowledge about this new world was much wider after those long hours I spent inside the library of my house, this world really has a lot of differences from mine, well, I should really say my previous world, anyhow, the theory of magic here is really incredible, I should start practicing if I want to know what really brought me here.

While I was walking through Boston's cold streets I was thinking about a lot of shit and kept trying to process the amount of information I just finished reading and in my attempt to try and just chill a little I took out the earbuds that were inside my jacket's pocket, I plugged them in my phone, opened Spotify and opened my playlist called 'Chillout' and pressed the randomise button and the song that played was 'Die Alone' by FINNEAS, since I was walking without any sense of direction, I took rights and lefts wherever I felt like it until I arrived at the bars and discos street and even though I love a good party, I wasn't in the mood to party so I just maximised my phone's volume and looked at the ground while I thought what kind of magic to practice first since there was a probability that I wasn't compatible, the song changed to 'Something About You' by Hayden James and the bar I was passing through was playing the exact song, maybe not the same, probably a remix but it was a funny coincidence so I just chuckled a little until I started to hear a lot of uneven and fast steps behind me, I took my earbuds off and looked back.

"GANDAAAAAALF!" Yelled the girl and even though I couldn't see her very well, there's only one person that'd call me that and it was Duke. She got near me with a face that told me she was about to black out and a stumbled pacing.

I smiled a little when I heard that nickname, for some reason I missed it a lot even though I probably heard it 2 or 3 days ago, I really feel like the time here passes a little too fast unlike my normal world, 'Wow, you should stop calling it normal, this world is the normal one right now, YOUR world so get used to it', I had some mental facepalms while I repeated that sentence several times in my head but I was snapped out of it when Duke got real close to me.

"Yo, Frodo, I didn't expect to see you a Tuesday at this hours" Obviously a party on a Tuesday is bollocks but to Duke, (Frodo's her nickname and yes, its because The Lord Of The Rings) rules and common sense were stupid, she's been a kind of best friend since like, forever, I met her on kindergarten and it was the first time I interacted with another girl, it was really the first interaction I had with any kind of person but let's ignore the fact I'm an introverted bastard, her parents act as if they were mine because they were best friends with my parents since their university times so when mum and dad disappeared they took care of me and Mace which means they became our adoptive parents, during my looong stay in the Fiore's house, yeah, I know, it's a somewhat weird last name but they have Italian ancestry and after a while you get used to it, capisci? Anyhow, back to the topic in hand, during my stay with them I realised I was in love with Duke, what a shock, am I right? She was the first girl that treated me good and as far as I know, didn't care about my parent's disappearance and she even helped me look for some answers and clues about them, I mean, I was a kid and how in the bloody hell can someone disappear without a fucking trace? But after a while everything was a dead end. Duke was my first love and when I was 15, 3 years after being adopted by the Fiore, I decided to confess my love to her but well, she only saw me as a little brother and after a while I came to the conclusion that she had, how I like to call it, the need to help the sad puppy syndrome, after the things between us became uncomfortable as fuck she decided to exchange 6 months to Italy and not gonna lie, the rejection hurt a lot and the fact that she decided to leave helped a lot, after a couple of long and depressive months I got a little better. School went as usual, occasional glares, me escaping school every time I had the chance, always with my earbuds on but it was because I hated fucking school so I just studied by myself and had good grades so I usually could get away with a lot of shit as long as I didn't hurt anyone.

After a while of doing my own thing, being lonely, y'know? A girl I despised started to hang out with me everywhere I went, she was called Oriana, ironically she was Duke's best friend and I considered her annoying as fuck and a parasite sometimes but in the end I just got used to her and her presence made things interesting and pleasant.

When the six months ended I asked Kate, my adoptive mom, about Duke and she told Duke decided to stay in Italy and complete her studies there, I felt weird because from one part of me I felt relieved and the other was sad, nostalgic I'd dare to say, I missed us but the relieved part won and I just kind of forgot about her to be honest.

I started to enjoy a lot Oriana's company, she did and say a lot of things that made me think she had feelings for me, she invited me to dates and all that cheesy shit which I really liked, made me feel special and after some time I started feeling stuff toward her but I didn't really make any moves, I'm kind of a coward regarding feelings after Duke's shit show and I didn't want to mess up other nice friendship until one day Oriana came to school with roses, FUCKING ROSES MATE and she started singing Yellow by Coldplay and my best friend Luke was playing the guitar, I felt like a little girl getting asked to Prom and she asked me to be her boyfriend which I didn't really consider and said yes immediately, after a while everything went down hill but that's enough of my love life, that's for another day.

"Don't call me Frodo!" Hip "How many times d-do I have to t-tell you?" She said slowly with hiccups or little burps in between sentences.

I had my reasons to call her Frodo, one of them is that she loved to be shoeless and without socks so her feet were always dirty, just like a Hobbit but the main reason were our heights, she was 1,56 meters and I was 1,88 (5'1 and 6'1 for you beautiful Americans lmao) and the difference between us was pretty obvious.

I ignored her question and just smirked then I turned my head and let out a chuckle, but I turned again and made a poker face that made her laugh.

Her height was a façade because what she lacked in that, she made it back in aggressivity and some punches out of this world and I didn't really wanted to bring out the Little Demon, that's how I called that part of her.

"You should go home and get some rest, this thing of partying every day is not helping you at school" I said while I look for a taxi but it was in vain so I just asked for an Uber. "I don't care what you want, you have to rest" I said to her before she even opened her mouth, she just pouted, I must admit, she isn't the greatest girl out there but she really is cute, then she crossed her arms as a disapproval sign, I should tell her to stop doing that, it just make her... personalities look bigger, leaving aside my perverted self I came to realise she was shivering so I took off my jacket and gave it to her, she happily took it and after this, I wondered, how many of my jackets and hoodies does she have now? I stopped wondering about it when the Uber parked next to us, I opened the door and when I was going to tell Duke to get in she took out a blunt and lit it up with some fire that was coming out of her finger tips, I always tell her to stop smoking in general and I hate it when she starts using drugs but her excuses are 'It's medicinal' or 'It clears my mind', yeah, it clears your neurons and those don't come back you cunt.

"Stop with that stupid face, Ace, I-I know that you hate that" Hip "I smoke but for real, after such a wild night I ne..." Yup, she just puked a shit ton of stuff I don't even want to think about because I'll start retching, but well, it's pretty usual that she does this kind of think, booze and drugs are not a good combination lads, I held her hair up so she could finish vomiting and then I helped her get on the Uber making sure she was alright, I said goodbye to the driver and kissed Duke on the forehead.


Good evening ladies and gents! Sorry bout' the late update, school's a pain the ass and I hate with all my inexistent soul, wouldn't you agree? Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll try to translate them more frequently so I hope that makes you happy!

Vote and share it with your friends if you like! That's an order from your dark lord, good luck lads, stay safe and wear your bloody mask fuckers, love y'all.

You can follow me on Instagram at @Alec_nonsense and contact me at (Don't judge my Gmail address -.-)

Through That DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora