Chapter IV

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-Listen to 505 by Arctic Monkeys-

"Love, friends and loyalty do exist, the thing is that there's not enough people who deserve to occupy those positions in your life"

- Unknown


"Yikes, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts" I said while I wined a little, the burns in my fingertips expanded over the course of the day and now they hurt like a kick to the fucking nuts but at least I got to awaken my magic so that's cool but is it worth the pain I'm feeling right now? *Mental sad face*

It was 6:10 AM and I was a little surprised and amazed by the fact of how quickly I got here but sadly I didn't get enough time to comb my hair so I checked myself quickly in the mirror of the first bathroom I saw to try and make it look decent and damn, I'm sexy as fuck, after that I adjusted the collar of my shirt so I could look even cooler.

I really should thank Mace for ironing my clothes, I'm a bloody mess at housekeeping stuff and I'm pretty surprised because that part of her changed when I came into this world but hey, I'm not complaining mate.

I washed my hands and dried them off gently, cause' y'know, they hurt a lot and then I put some bandages that I bought quickly on my way here and put them after that I grabbed my backpack and hoodie and power walked to the classroom and I got there just in time because the teacher was closing the door so I whistled to let him know I was going in and then I played dumb to try and ignore Mr. Burke's disapproval face, I got quickly to my favourite chair which was in the back of the classroom and that gave me advantage of doing stuff without letting anyone know about it, naps here are exquisite so after I settled down I looked up and saw letters flying in front of the board and they spelled Theory of Magic 101 and I was astonished by it, it was cool but not as cool as me to be honest.

5 minutes passed by and my mind gave up, so I just fell asleep, I didn't care about it because everything that Mr. Burke was explaining was textbook stuff which I've already read and knew like the back of my hand, the known types of magic, their variables, yada, yada, yada.

My class ended and since we just started this semester Burke didn't leave any homework, so I was pretty happy about it.

Mondays and Wednesdays are pretty cool because I only have that one class which means I'm free for the rest of the day and since I'm still new around the campus I decided to take a walk.

Since I'm kind of directionally challenged I walked for about 2 hours without any objective in mind so I got lost and thank goodness I walked passed by something I believe to be a resting room and there was a TV which was on and showing the news and they were talking about yesterday's attack so I remembered that disgusting scene and moved like a wet dog to try and shake it off, Like that was going to help, you moron, I said to myself.

I decided to sit outside that room since there was a bench and a snack machine so I bought some Flaming Hot Cheetos which I opened very carefully because even though I had my bandages on, my right hand's fingers felt like if Michael Myers was stabbing them constantly and I also got a Coke because that's my drug, a while after I started eating my unhealthy breakfast some random girl sat next to me and got real close which made me uncomfortable as fuck but it wasn't something bad per se, I just ignored her presence and kept chugging cans of Coke while my mouth felt like it was the embodiment of hell and since I was bored I was looking everywhere, I felt like a bloody tourist but hey, you can't really blame me, after a while of just moving my eyes and nothing catching my eye, I saw far away a big building with a big sign saying Reaper Hunters Association.

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