4 Dresses and Drinks

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Percy left the room. Leaving me behind in absolute confusion. What was i supposed here alone?

After a few minutes, i sighed loudly, wandering around the black and white room, opening the drawers in curiosity. It was obviously a kitchen. Like in the dreams i have.

"Darling. Where are you mon amour?"

The voice came from a woman, searching for her daughter who was giddily hiding in the cupboard next to her legs. Worry was on the woman's face as she frantically searched the kitchen for her little girl. The silence was replaced with a small giggle, causing her mother to stop in her tracks and wander side to side around the cupboard doors.

"Oh mon vieux, i cant seem to find my Daughter anywhere. Where ever may she be?" The woman gasped dramatically, sitting down on the island right in front of the drawer as more giggles erupted from the cupboard. A beautiful smile was on her face as she clapped her hands in defeat. "maybe i should look outside" The woman trailed on as she started to make her way slowly towards the door.

The doors of the cupboard busted open as a young girl, the age of 4, ran towards her mother in a fit of giggles, her eyes were a blend of green with a few bits of grey and her hair the colour of snow. The girls mother turned around and picked up her beloved daughter.

At first glance, you wouldn't guess that they had any bond, but if you looked passed the skin tone and hair, the two girls resembled each other so much. Their eyes were both green, Their lips plump and curved into a smile they both had shared. Their features were all too similar, however the woman's chocolate skin contrasted the the young girls pale one, as did the brown and blonde to their hair.

The woman hugged her daughter tightly, running her fingers through the girls wavy blonde hair as she sighed in dramatic relief, causing a laugh to grow on her daughters lips.

"Did you miss me mother?" The young girl asked, facing her mother with her arms wrapped around the woman's neck, her head tilted ever so cutely to the side.

"Oui. very much my dear" The woman spoke, smiling as her daughters face changed from quizzical to happy in a split second. She knew the love she had for her little girl was more than anything she could share for anyone else in the world. The said girl smiled brightly, her hands reaching out for a strand of her mothers curly brown hair.

"I love you mama"

"I love you too, Lorelei"

I gasped as soon as i felt something prick my shoulder, tripping slightly as i fell to the ground in a loud thud. A small groan escaped my mouth, rubbing my head as i was about to curse at the person who pricked me, only to be met with a look of panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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