chapter 27

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Terrance's pov

I've been in this jail for too damn long. She has no idea what she is up for right now. Oh the plans I have for her when I get out. Last night I had over heard one of the officers that he was taking their daughter to a set it off show in two days. Ending up being the last show. The perfect chance that I have on that window of time.

"Rec time! Let's go, move it!" One of the officers said, unlocking cells for us to go outside. I take this chance for an opportunity.  We get outside and I make sure to position myself out of the line of vision from the officer. He's a stupid one if you ask me.

"Sse ya later suckers" I mumble as I climb the fence and make my escape. The last show only 30 miles away, so I decided to hitch hike and make it to the last show. In the back where no one can recognize me.

Now at the last show, I get in the right position,  jumping from spot to spot so I don't get caught, and then she starts singing. Something she explained was to be about a bad breakup. She was always so over dramatic about everything. Whines constantly and does nothing but compalin.  Everything she sang was just all made up to me. Nothing seemed true with her. She seemed vulnerable. As she finishes I create the last of my plan. I had to follow them and then make a move.

(Y/n) pov

We finally had just finished putting away our set, getting to chill out for a moment.

"Damn! That was a good last show!" I said, tired and worked down from the day.

"It really was, and that song was really good" Maxx said. Cody had agreed.

Cody had sat down on the couch in the bus, pulling me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.  "I could just fall asleep right now" then he pretended to fall asleep on me. I giggled and looked at him.

"Babe, you're so cute I swear!" I kiss his cheek, continuing to giggle. He starts laughing.  I start laughing with him. Soon the laughing dies down and I cuddle into more.

"Lets all try to get some rest for tonight" cody says as we all drift off to sleep.

Later that night, i hear some movement. Cody had went from cuddling me to be facing the couch now, maxx was still asleep and so was Zach and Dan. I look around to see what the noise was, once i caught it, i was terrified. I saw the doors to the bus being forced open by a crowbar,  and the sight of the person made me more horrified. I saw him and all I could do was freeze. How did he escape?! Why is he here now?!

He looks over my direction and instantly comes to me, grabbing me forcefully, covering my mouth do I wouldnt scream. He drags me out to the bus, meanwhile I try flopping around, trying to break his grip. He holds onto me tighter.

"I've been waiting for a long time to do this to you, you lying bitch!" Then without any hesitation he brings out a knife and stabs me, right in the stomach. I scream out in pain, not being able to control my screams. I double over and hold the wound after he pulls it out. Its a secluded area, so no one besides anyone in the bus could hear me.


Cody's pov

I wake up to a loud and painful scream coming from outside. Thats when I notice (y/n) isn't with me and the doors were open. I hop out of my spot and go outside, where.i see terrance one again, hovering over my fiance. I cant hold back my anger anymore, I yell for maxx to go by her side and he does. I go over to terrance and grab him, hitting the knife out of his hand and punching him to no end.

"I can't stop the bleeding!" Maxx yells. I start to panic.

"Why do you think this was a good idea?! Messing with my girl! Possibly killing her! If I had the chance you have, I would run, run as far as possible, because if I catch you again, your going to have more than just a couple brushes and a black eye, got me?!" I was heated by this point.

"All she does is lie, you really think she loves you?" He asks softly, i had enough and uppercutted him so hard that he impaled his own tounge with his teeth. I leave him on the ground and go over to (y/n), getting her onto the bus as quick and carefully as I could. Zach already got situated and starts driving to the hospital, leaving terrance on the ground.

"Your gonna be okay, please stay with me. Please..." i say is I keep her conscious, just ling enough to get her to a room. Im basically crying by now. Getting to the hospital, we instantly barge in, calling for help and a room. They instantly find a doctor and take her to a room. All that's left is the painful wait, to see if she will be alright....

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