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Side note: thanks to Stargamerxox for inspiring me, check them out, they're great and helped me with this project


Error can't exactly remember why he went looking that day, his soul just felt a calling he couldn't avoid. He followed that calling where it led him.

Playing file: Unknown
Log 1
I c-c-couldn't quite remember wh-why I w-went where I-I-I did.  Probably beca-cause I felt s-some sort of cal-al-alling and it j-just felt right to g-go there to app-pp-ppease it.

Error followed the calling to a blank space that was slowly filling with colors, with buildings, with people. It went from a blank space to an au.

It w-w-was different th-than other places.  I-It autom-om-omatically filled itself wi-with color, buildings, and-nd-nd people.  It w-went from it's wh-white blank sp-space to an AU-AU.

In the center of it all was a figure, holding a paintbrush and smiling. Somewhere inside him, his soul burned with an unknown ache. Why was this so familiar to him?

I s-s-simply smiled when-en I got t-to the c-center.  The re-re-reason I did w-was beca-cause there, sitting on-on the grou-ound, was a sm-sm-small child, tiny o-orbs of pa-aint swirling aro-ro-round it.  Some of-of them darted o-off, splashing som-om-omething with col-lor.

“W-who are you? What are you doing!?” Error asked and the person noticed him. He was a skeleton, a bit shorter than Error, and his eyes flickered through multiple shapes and colors.
“I’m Ink! I’m the guardians AU’s!” He grinned and Error balled his fists, unsure why this filled him with anger.

Wh-When I smi-iled at the ch-child, they smi-iled back.  I co-could not tell thei-ei-eir age, but th-they appeared t-to be alon-one.  Because o-of this, I sco-cooped them up an-and took them home-me.

Error didn’t say anything before he sent his strings out to capture Ink. It fell through him and Error stared at him in horror. Soulless. This ‘guardian’ was soulless.
“What are you doing.” He hissed and the guardian smiled.
“I’m helping the creators with their new au!” And for some reason Error was filled with rage. Instead of fighting, he took a step away before darting off. He was fuming with rage.

Once I-I got bac-ack, I set to ma-ma-making them a ro-room.  I had th-thought of names wh-while I d-did and one st-stuck out to me-me the mo-most.  I na-named them Sp-[REDACTED].

Balance Reincarnated, Book I: [REDACTED]'s FateWhere stories live. Discover now