A Plan Is Formed

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Noah was alone at the balcony in the east wing, yes, he knew Lyssa's house like it was his own. He had practically grown up here. He recalled how mad Lyssa had been when he had shown up without prior information and he cracked up a bit. The night air was cool, he relaxed into it. Not for long. An amused chuckle came from behind, one Noah could easily tell who it's owner was.

"What a spectacular sight." came a raspy voice.

"Not now, Sandy." Noah bit out grimly to Jeremy Sanders, number one enemy of the Regal Quartet.

Jeremy Sanders was a mischief maker, he was cunning and sly as a fox. He was the worst company to keep because he could switch sides on you any moment. That was reason enough to have him friendless, he couldn't find anyone to be loyal to and no one wanted to be at the receiving end of his betrayal. In actual truth, Jeremy Sanders was a lonely boy, who only found humor in mind tricks and being the fox everyone saw him as. If you wanted to know the deepest secrets of your nemesis, Jeremy was the right person to ask, albeit, for a price. Being friendless and bored left him with the job of roaming about anywhere, just enough to get him somewhere to discover something new about someone. It could be him overhearing conversations he  shouldn't, or finding lost things, just about anything per say. Everyone knew Jeremy knew something hidden about everyone, so everyone avoided him. So him walking up to you to strike a conversation, he was up to no good.

"Oh calm your nerves Braun. I'm just here for the breeze." Jeremy smirked, his light green eyes glinting with mischief.

"That's what he said." Noah muttered to himself.

"So how's it going with Lyssa? I heard you two are back on." Jeremy inquired out of the blue -well black technically.

"Last time I checked, it was none your Goddamn concern." Noah sneered defensively. To be honest, he wasn't sure himself where he and Lyssa stood.

"Well I never said it was. I only intended to know you see, for your own good." Jeremy's insanely annoying voice drawled.

"My own good? And that's supposed to be vague isn't it? I'm not falling for your tricks, so you might as well quit trying." Noah brushed him off.

"Tricks? Sorry to let you down but I'm not the one pulling tricks. Your girlfriend is." He insinuatingly responded.

"Oh bugger off you lunatic. I don't have the time for your antics." Noah complained.

"Well if you insist." Jeremy smirked wickedly and turned around to leave.

Tracy was feeling weird, she had just kissed one of her best friends and she didn't know why. She hadn't known what to do after, and in other to avoid the awkward tension in the room she ran away pretending to have something to do. Tracy knew the repercussion would be very drastic so she wanted to stall, if possible. She needed air and she concluded that the balcony in the east wing would be empty so she walked there, ignoring the loud music. Tracy had just reached when she bumped into Jeremy Sanders wearing a wicked grin. He was up to no good. Her skin felt prickly as their eyes met, her hands automatically wrapped around her body as she warily watched, under her eyes, him leave. She really needed that fresh air now. Tracy didn't expect to meet Noah whom she hadn't seen in a month resting against a banister with his eyes closed, although he was scowling.

"Hey." she called out to him softly. "Are you okay?"

Noah turned to face her, before he pulled his lips into a sincere smile. "Sure. I don't see Lyssa trailing behind you," he mentioned still smiling.

Tracy's lips curved to mirror his, "umm.. Yeah, she's.. I don't know." she broke out into a small chuckle.

"Same old Lyssa huh?" Noah stated plainly.

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