who am I?

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I'm constantly there all around.
My fingers caress your faces
I show you your fears.
But you won't make a sound
I never change
Yet I promise many changes
Who am I?

I can make you friends.
I can get you paid.
There are three sides of me.
Only two have a face.
Who am I?

I can ruin dinner.
I can bring pain.
I tear families apart every day.
Most people speak of me with disdain
Lonely you will be
If you don't know my name.
Who am I?

Two animals fight it out.
Neither knows what they're speaking about
They use Money fame and hardships as clout yet only a few have figured that out.
Who am I?

I draw attention to you
From anyone who
disagrees with you
I'm a new form of identity
Yet none noticed when they saw me
Who am I?

The wrong affiliation gets you killed.
If involved you better have a will
You're judged by your so-called peers
And I certainly do not except queers
Lack of privacy is what I stand for
Most women involved are
Called whores
Who am I?

One thing im always sure to do
Something that's noticed by even you.
I give the media what they want
If I didn't I would be a dunce 
Who am I?

The people who represent me are
They use social media to get clicks
I decide what you do and say
Ignore me and you will pay
Who am I?

Who I am is the question at hand
I'm not sure of a single real fan
I sound bad

Who else would I be but politics?

Poetry By An AmateurWhere stories live. Discover now