The Meet-Up

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Tyler is coming over in 10 minutes and I am freaking out. I don't know if I should wear this dress or not. It is black and tighter in the chest with a burgandy belt around my stomach and then flowy waist down and it goes to just above my knee. 

*Knock Knock*

Well, I guess this dress it is. 

I run down the stairs to the door and open it to Tyler... and an unknown girl. Who is way prettier than me. As if! Once I'm single he's taken. Well, this shall be a horrible couple hours. 

"Hey, Kate! This is my girlfriend Cindy. Cindy this is my friend Kate from college." Tyler introduced. 

"Hi Cindy! Nice to meet you! Well, come on in!" I said and walked them to the living room oce they were done taking off their shoes.

"Wow, this is a really nice place!" Cindy said.

Dammit. She's nice too.

"Thanks, Do you guys want anything to drink?" I ask politely. 

"Umm, I'll have a water please." Tyler said looking over at Cindy. 

"Same here!"

"Ok, I'll be right back," I said and walked to the kitchen. 

I grabbed Tyler and Cindy water bottles and grabbed myself a bottle of beer. I'm going to need it to get through the two hours. 

"Here, you go!" I said and took a seat on the chair across from them as they were on the couch.

"Thanks." They said and giggled and geve each other a kiss. 

That just made me sad. Jayke and I were never like that. And I wish I was Cindy. 

"So, Kate what have ypu been up since graduation?" Tyler asked. 

"Nothing just working as a personal trainor as I went to college for as you know," I said plainly, "What about you?" 

"Well, I met Cindy through personal training because I'm also a personal trainor. We've been dating for a few months now!" He said and gave Cindy a big smile. 

"Cool" I said. 

There was a moment of silience as Tyler and Cindy were kissing.

"Well, I'm going to go to the washroom." I quickly said and almost ran to the washroom down the hall. 

When I got in there I realised my eyes were watery. I don't think I can get thorught another hour and a half. I sat there for a few seconds then went back because I didn't want to take to long. 

"I'm sorry guys but /i'm not feeling to great, I think we'll have to do this a different time. Maybe in a couple weeks because I'm busy with work the next couple weeks," I lied. I just really can't handle this.

Tyler had a concerned face and Cindy just gave me an understanding smile. 

"Ok, well here let me give you my number so you can text me when you can and want to hang out." Tyler said walking over. 

I handed him my phone and as he grabbed his hand touched mine and my hand tingled for a couple seconds. 

"Thanks, I'll text you." I said leading them to the door. 

"Well, I'm sorry you're not feeling good! It was very nice meeting you!" Cindy said as she walked out the door to the steps.

"Thanks for having us Kate. I'll text you later to check up. Okay?" Tyler said and gave me a tight hug and left. 

I closed the door behind him and slide down the door into a ball. 

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