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"I've watched this movie so many times!" I said as i clicked on The Vow.

"Why do you keep watching it then?" He asked chuckling at me. 

"It was my sisters favourite movie. I said quietly and playing with my hands.

"I'm sorry. I forgot." He said with guilt.

"No, no. It's fine. Let's just watch the movie." I lied back down  and got under the covers.

Tyler also got underneath them too a couple minutes later.

I wanted him to be right next to me cuddling me. Damn my king size bed. 

I looked over at him and noticed how perfect he was. I can't explain it, he just is! 

"You're missing the movie." He said and turned his ehead to look at me. 

I looked down at his lips and realised how soft they look. I didnt realise our faces got closer until I could smell his minty breath. 

I turned my head and went back to my spot before I made a mistake. 

I didn't even really pay attention to the movie as I just kept thinking of what would have happened if I would have kissed him. I slowly started to drift off to sleep at the comforting and safe feeling I was having.

I opened my eyes and Tyler was staring at me and his eyes glanced down to my lips. At the same time we both jumped at each other smashing our lips together.

I heard a deep moan come from his throat and he started kissing my neck.

"Tyler, I can't-

*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

My eyes opened. It was a dream. 

I felt Tylers' arm around my waist and his body pressed up against my back. Our legs tangled together.

"Crap!" I said and hopped out of bed realising I had to get up for work.

Tyler just turned over and went back to bed. I didn't want to wake him becasue he looked so peaceful so I just went and had a quick shower and when I came out he was still sleeping so I just got dressed right there because he couldn't see anything if he was sleeping.

I put on my red matching bra and undies. I wore my black lulu lemon yoga pants and my red lulu lemon sweater. 

I heard Tyler chuckle from behind me.

I spun around and see him wide awake leaning up on my bed. That jerk!

"Were you wake the whole time?!" I asked embarassed.

"Yup, but don't be embarassed with a body like that." He said.

Then I realised Tyler changed a lot. He never woud've said something like that to a girl when we were in college. But I like this new flirty Tyler. It's hot.

"Get out of my bed and let's go eat some breakfast." I said rolling my eyes at him.

He hopped out of my bed and followed behind me and I can feel him staring at my butt as I walk so I add an extra little sway to my hips. I heard him whisper underneath his breath and I smile in success.

"SO do you want some cereal?" I ask grabbing the Lucky Charms remembering that we share the favourite kind of cereal.

"Yes please!" He said and grabbed the milk out my fridge. 

We ate our cereal talking about nothing. Just random stuff about what we've been doing the past few months. 

Then when we finished I realised I have to leave for work.

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