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Based off the song "Be Your Everything" by Boys Like Girls.


"Mmmmphhgg," Clary grumbled as light poured through the window directly on her face. She dragged the blanket over her head.

"Come on, Clare, get up," Jace breathed into her ear.

She shivered inwardly, but just harrumphed out loud.

"Please?" Jace asked.

That earned him a peek from under the sheets. Piercing green eyes and fiery gold ones clashed.

"Jace, what do you want"-she glanced at the clock on her bedside "at five forty-two in the bloody morning?"

He cocked an eyebrow at her. "Since when do you say 'bloody'?"

Clary shot him a playful glare and crossed her arms over her chest. "Since the situation bloody warrants it."

The corners of his mouth lifted and he came closer to her.

"Okay, come on, Feisty. We've got a big day ahead of us."

Clary noticed that he had said we and us. It sounded kind of intimate, something she had always wanted, but was scared to initiate. She reluctantly came out from under the covers and went over to him. Going on her tiptoes with some newfound confidence, she kissed him lightly on his cheek.

"Clary," he murmured as she slipped away. "Clary, you can't do something like that and then just leave." She giggled, already in the shower, and he decided to leave her room.


When Clary finally came out to the kitchen for breakfast, she was wearing jean shorts and a dark blue tank top. Her hair was meticulously straightened and tied back into a high ponytail. Right as she stepped into the kitchen, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

"Jace, not now. I haven't eaten yet," she muttered.

"Nope. Wrong pair of buff arms, Clary," came Alec's voice.

"Alec? What are you doing?" Clary questioned.

"I'm kidnapping you," he stated simply.

"But why...?" she asked, her interest now piqued.

"Shhhh, we'll explain later," he whispered as he carried her past the Lightwood parent's bedroom.

"We?" He shot her a look. "Okay, sorry. Later,"she whispered back.

Alec set her down in the weapons room and tapped out a complicated rhythm with his right foot.

"Ungh," Izzy complained, her voice muffled.

"Iz, that was my foot!" Jace whimpered.

"Izzy, Jace? What are you guys doing hiding in the weapons room?" Clary inquired.

"Well," her parabatai answered, appearing from under a table, "we're gonna train. Together."

Clary's mouth fell open with an audible pop. They had never practised without a trainer. And they had never practised together, on each other, as Izzy implied.

"Close your mouth, Clare, you'll choke on flies," Jace quipped.

She shot him a quick but venomous glare before turning to face the eldest Lightwood sibling.

"Did you ask Maryse about this?" she asked sharply.

"Nope," he said happily.

Clary just shook her head, smiling slightly. Now this was a challenge she was willing to complete.

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