CHAPTER 17: Khwabfaroshi uljhe sitare...

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[NOTE: Mature scene in the beginning, so skip the portion if you are underage or uncomfortable with explicate language and mature scenes.]

"Khwabfaroshi jiyara daga de

Jiske sang na laga re

Uska saga yeh

Khanabadoshi naina banjare

Dhoondhe tujhmein thikane

Zid pe jiya re..."

                                                - Khwabfaroshi by Sachet Tandon


The sunlight peeking through fluttering curtains of poolside French doors fell on the sleeping cuddled couple wrapped in covers and each other's arms. They both squirmed a due to the light disturbing them which made Arnav snuggle deeper in her hair to escape while Khushi's eyes fluttered open though digging her face more into chest. She blinked few times, trying to clear sleep out of her eyes which took more than five minutes then and her eyes went towards the digital clock on beside table but didn't get too worried as it was Sunday. Then she tilted her head back to admire her husband sleeping with a cute pout and thought to herself: "See how he is sleeping like an innocent baby and seeing him like this who would believe what a devil he is when awake." with a small smile. Staying like that for few minutes she decided it was time to get up and carefully untangled herself from his arms, picking her nightie from floor putting it on got out of bed. Then she pulled the curtains properly as to not disturb him, picked the cloths laying on floor and taking her towel went to bathroom for shower, forgetting to lock the door after closing. She put the cloths in laundry basket, towel on the rack and stepped in shower stall happily as she turned the shower adjusting to her suitable temperature, humming happily.

Arnav nuzzled in his pillow while blindly moved his hand to pull his wife close but came up empty which him open his one eye open to find her side empty and the sound of water running from the bathroom. He sat up rubbing his eyes, blinking a few moments and then a thought came in his head: "Is she taking shower...? Any chance I could join her there too...?" quickly tied the bed-sheet around his waist went to turn the bathroom knob which opened, making him grin happily as he entered inside silently.

The sight that greeted him was her in shower cubical engrossed in washing her hair while water cascading down her back sensually making his dick stiff as he continues to stare at her for few moments mesmerized, getting harder with her every movement. A thought emerges that he needs to join in was all needed to snap him out of his trance as he quickly discards the sheet wrapped around him in a careless heap on the floor and steps into the shower, startling her. Khushi immediately turns around: "Arnav, you scared me!" said, signing relief seeing it was her husband only.

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