Getting it all off your chest

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They were due back any moment, any second now she was going to hear that train bellowing down the track signalling they had returned. Her stomach was doing flips while also producing a stream of butterflies. The nerves were starting to get to her, every second feeling like an eon, dragging on to increase her dread. She'd agreed to their idea of telling their team first, had been actually incredibly excited about it. But time had allowed her imagination to go into overdrive. Twitsing her friends out of character and into harsher versions of themselves, playing nightmare scenerios where they denounced and abandoned her.

Before she could properly spiral into doubting herself and her friends she felt two hands hold her own, sending her silent support. She looked up to smile at the pair, Loke on her left and Aries on her right as they stood on the station platform. She tightened her grip on them, allowing them to be her anchor.

"Thank you both, I really need this"

"It's alright Lucy love, we know how you panic, though there's no need"

"L-Loke's right lo-" Aries cut herself off with a flush, still not completely used to calling others by terms of endearment. Instead she moved herself closer, cuddling her arm. "They're nice people, they're our friends, they'll be happy for you, for us"

That was right, they would be, so why was she acting like this was the end of the world? She felt more frayed looking for her team's approval than facing down monsters, it just spoke of how highly she placed their opinion, how important it was to her that they approved.

A loud whistle made her jump, startling the poor sheep spirit and causing apologies to tumble from her mouth. Steam puffed as the loud chugging of a train filled the station, slowing down as it came ever closer to the platform before coming to a halt in front of them.

She took in a deep breath before letting them go and stepping forward, slipping on a smile. Despite her nerves, it had been a week since she'd last seen them, it couldn't dampen the genuine joy she felt at seeing them again.

The carriage doors opened and there they were, beaming and victorious from a no doubtedly easily won job. The moment they realised she was waiting for them they seemed to lit up even brighter, eagerly speeding over to her and crowding around her.

"Lucy we're back! You missed an exciting fight, I got real fired up!"

"But hey never stood a chance against us"

Their exhilaration was infectious, Natsu and Happy leading the charge but the others weren't far behind. She wasn't surprised that Gray got even more excited the moment he noticed Loke was with her. In fact, the feeling was clearly mutual as they slung an arm around each other.

"Hey buddy, how have you been? Haven't seen you in a while"

"I've had the most perfect day, you wouldn't believe it. You might be seeing me in the guild more often in fact!"

If she thought their grins couldn't get wider, she'd clearly been wrong. Loke might as well have told the ice mage they were both now billionaires for the way his body started twitching with obvious excitement. These two were really brothers for life, it was actually kinda cute.

"Really? Awesome dude, we should work on a job together or something like old times"

"Absolutely! Watch out Earthland, the Dynamic Duo are back!"

"I wonder what a three way brawl between us would be like?"

"It'd end with me as the victor that's for sure"

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