Making Progress

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Joe's POV
Taylor has been taking things easy and listening to her doctor. She's currently 16 weeks along. We decided not to find out the baby's gender until the birth. She's currently in the studio recording some new music and I'm with the kids. I put in a movie and after it was over, I fed them lunch. After lunch I lied them down for a nap and I showered. When I got out, I wrapped a towel around my waist and I exit the bathroom and Taylor is sitting on the bed, taking her shoes off. "How did the recording session go?" I asked. "Good. We're far from finished. I was just so tired and I puked up my guts, but I'm fine." she said. The towel dropped to the floor. "You have a cute butt. You've always had a cute butt, but I feel like I should tell you that more often." she says. I giggle. I put on some underwear and get dressed. "I'm so tired" she said. "Wanna take a nap?" I ask. She nods and lies down. I lie down next to her. We end up not even going to sleep because we just talked about baby stuff.

20 weeks pregnant
Taylor's POV
I did it. I carried my baby successfully to the halfway mark. Today we have a doctors appointment and I'm so excited to go. I'm sitting downstairs with the kids, waiting on Joe to come down so we can leave. "Your bump is so cute. I think it's a girl" my mom said. "Thanks mom! I'm hoping for a girl, but I'd be happy either way. Especially after my miscarriage, we're so ready to meet this little baby. I'm trying not to get my hopes up though. I'm on pins and needles every day because she said I'm considered a high risk pregnancy due to losing the last pregnancy. Everything is looking good so far though" I said. "I can't wait! Another little baby for me to spoil. It absolutely destroyed me watching you go through all of the emotional pain you had after the loss so I'm happy you're back to being my happy, sunshiny Taylor again." my mom said. I smiled. Joe came down and we hugged my mom before leaving.

1:30 PM
We arrive through the secret entrance and get taken to the room immediately. We only had to wait about 10 minutes before my doctor came in. "Well hello, miss Taylor. How are we feeling?" she asked. "I'm feeling good. I'm constantly worrying about the baby, but other than that, I'm ok." I say. "Oh honey, you're 20 weeks now, there's nothing to worry about. Your baby is safe in there and it isn't going anywhere." she said. "That's such a relief" I say. "You're planning on having a home birth right?" she asked. "I am. We've got the perfect midwife and two doulas picked out. I had good experiences with both of my hospital births, but I just wanna be more free, ya know? I don't want nurses running in and out during my labor and so many people in the room when I give birth. The only people I plan on having there when I deliver are him, my mom, and my doulas and midwife. That's it." I said. "That's understandable." she said. I lied back and she put the gel on my belly to do the ultrasound. She turned out the light so we could see better. "Baby is looking good. Being a little shy today so we can't see the face. Heartbeat sounds great." she says. She wipes the stuff off of me and prints us the ultrasound pictures. "Any questions y'all have for me?" she asked. "I've been super stressed when it comes to intimacy. My hormones are raging and I know I need him, but I've been so scared since you told me I'm high risk." I said. "Nothing to worry about. You're in the clear. I'm demanding you to go home and have sex tonight. Doctors orders." she said, laughing. I giggled. We soon left and went back home and showed mom and the kids the baby's ultrasound pictures. We talked with my mom for a while and she stayed for dinner and helped us clean up, then she went home. After we gave the kids baths, we put them to bed and we both showered and got into bed. We finally made love for the first time in forever and it was amazing.

30 weeks pregnant
"Mommy, when is the baby coming out?" Avery asked. "Soon, baby" I said. The kids are so excited that their new little sibling is gonna join our family really soon. I'm excited too. I'm getting more and more impatient as the days pass. Joe is leaving for London today because he has to go film for a movie and he's gonna be gone for a whole month so by the time he gets back, I'll be 35 weeks along. Joe makes the kids lunch and after they eat, I put them down for a nap. I go to our room and Joe is lying on the bed, wearing only underwear. I kiss him several times. "I'm gonna miss you." I say. "I'm gonna miss you too babe. If you have one single contraction, you better call me and I'm coming home" he said. "Nah, never mind. I'm not going. You have 10 weeks until you're due date and I'm not missing out on any of it. "Please go. You were so excited for this role!" I say. "I was, but you're my wife. That was a movie role. I'm not gonna miss the birth of my child for that." he says. I snuggle up next to him. He kisses my temple and starts playing with my hair and before I knew it, I was asleep, but that was short lived when I had to pee. I got up and went to the bathroom to pee. Afterwards, I lied back down. "We need a name for our baby" I said. "I know. We need to have a boy name figured out and a girl name figured out." he said. "I like Everleigh if it's a girl and if it's a boy, I kinda like the name Liam." I said. "I like those names." he said. "Do you really? You're not just saying that because I came up with them right?" I ask. "They're perfect" he said. I smile and kiss him again. He places a hand on my belly and feels the baby's movements. He places several kisses on my belly.

37 weeks pregnant
I'm 3 weeks away from my due date and Joe and I are going to my doctors appointment today. "Hello, gorgeous mama. How are you feeling?" she asked. "Ready to have a baby" I said. "I can tell" she said. "Have you been having any pain or anything?" she asked. "A little. My back is killing me and I've been having a few contractions here and there." I say. "Ok. I'll need to check your cervix today then. You definitely aren't gonna make it 3 more weeks, especially since you have 2 kids already." she said. She left so I could take my pants off and I covered my lower half with the paper sheet. "It's a good thing I shaved then" I whispered to Joe. "Honey, she probably doesn't care" he said. She came back in and started with the ultrasound and the baby was looking good. Then she checked my cervix. "Well, you're 1 centimeter dilated and 90% effaced. If you don't go into labor by tomorrow, I'll be surprised." she said. I was a little surprised to hear her say that, but I'm so excited at the same time. It's crazy to think that by this time tomorrow, I could be holding my baby.

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