Chapter 9: Regret

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Harry's POV:

I walk in the door to see Alexa&Lila on the couch staring at the laptop. Lila had been bawling her eyes out, why?

"Babe, why are you crying"

"JUST GET AWAY. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE YOU ASSHOLE" she shouts giving me a death glare.

What did I do? As soon as she said that it was like a knife through the chest.

"Harry.. how could you do this to her? after all she's givin you" Alex says standing up walking towards me, not looking away.

"Do what?" I shout back furiously.

"Don't play games. you know what you did"

"Honestly.. I don't! what did I do?"

What's going on? what did I do! I had no clue... still Lila was just sitting there staring at me with tears in her eyes.

She moves the laptop to face me and I now see what's going on ..

God dammit! I had a explanation for it. I never wanted it to happen !

Running towards the couch to sit beside her she doesn't budge. "Lila baby, I swear I can explain"

"The picture explains itself Harry. I'm going back to my old hotel room"

She got up and started packing her stuff, I had tried to stop her but she pushed me away.

When she left she forgot her laptop, leaving me there to stare at the pictures of Taylor (Taylor swift) and I kissing.

I didn't want to kiss her, but she always had a thing for me.

There was a bunch of cameras around and they caught it I guess.

But it was all her.

~play back~

"Oh my gosh! Harry!"

She comes running over to me waving frantically.

"Ermm hey, tay!"

"It's so great to see you here at the xfactor! visiting uncle Simon?"

"Yup" I nod and she gets super close

"it's great to see you" she whispers in my ear as she pins me to the wall

"Ermm... Taylor ..I kinda have a---"

Then she smashes her lips into mine, forcing her tongue in. I push her away and run to where the rest of the guys were ..

but I guess it was to late.

~ end of playback ~

I notice that I was now crying.. I don't care how wimpy I am right now. I love lilac. And she gave me her trust and love, I broke her heart. I'm such a terrible person.

I started throwing things around angrily. I threw the vases and cups and plates. I threw anything in sight just to take it out on something.

Then my phone rings and I calm down enough to answer it.

"Hey haz" says Lou

"Hey boo.. I have a problem"

After I told him what happened he told me I needed to tell her what actually went on.

So my plan is to talk to her as soon as I can, or as soon as she'll let me ...


Hey my koalas!<3 what do y'all think?

Feedback please<3

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