Chapter 17: A long wait

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Lilac's POV:

"How are you feeling babe?" Harry hands me a bowl of soup.

"I'm fine really. I appreciate haz but you really don't need to do all this stuff for me"


My phone rings so I get up to answer it. "Hello, nurse McKeller"

"Hello lilac. As to your question of when you will be able to dance again, I have your answer. Two months"

"TWO MONTHS? are you kidding me! what.. why?!"

Harry hears me "Till you can dance? great.." he sighs frustrated

"Well just to make sure the surgery healed well"

"Okay. thanks"

I hung up to see a frustrated Harry

"This is just fantastic. Yasmin is so lousy and always all over me. I was hoping we wouldn't have to use her for long."

"How do you think I feel? Now what am I supposed to do"

"Im really not sure. I guess you can just come to the concert to support us tonight"

"I guess so"


"You guys did great tonight!" I say to Alex since she had just danced to the boys last song of the night; Rock me.

"Thanks! I can't wait for these two months to be up! I miss your moves" she winks making me laugh.

"I can wait"

I turn around to see a skinny brunette with loads of makeup, like a drag queen.

"I'm Yasmin, your replacement"

She smirks, which only makes me cringe.

"No one can replace that ass" Alex jokes

"Gee thanks" I say sarcastically.

"Well two months can go by pretty fast. But it's ok, I'm still gonna be at every concert."

"Whatever" she snarls walking away, chewing like a cow with gum in her mouth.

Harry comes over wrapping his arm around my waist , I kissed him on the cheek "Great job out there"

"Thanks, would've been better with you shaking your hips beside me" he wiggles his eyebrows.

"I don't need to dance to do that"

All of a sudden he picks me up bridal style running towards the change room "Omg Harry. frisky boy"

"Only for you" he says placing me on the couch, hovering over me.

I pulled his head close so our lips were lightly touching.

"I would kiss you right now. but I want you to catch me"

Then he ran into another room "Oh great not this again!"

I run out into the same room he went into, which was the costume room.

Rows and rows of clothes fill the room and I spot Harry's foot.

"Oh Harry....."

I run towards it and pop out behind it "FOUND YOU!"

"Ah!" He starts running around like a mad man

"Oh c'mon Harry! Where are you?"

I start running again then wince, my surgery is still fresh. I shouldn't be doing this.

"Harry I can't run, where are you?"

I start looking around then Harry pushes me into the storage room shutting the door behind us.

Pushing me against the wall he starts kissing me fiercely "I love your sweet lips so much" I whisper in between kisses

"Your lips are the softest I've ever put my lips against. you being ill was killing me"

He pushes his lips against mine harder his tongue moving against mine like crazy.

After a full on snog session we decided to go to the tour bus.

But the door was locked....


We had finally gotten out because Zayn found us.

All the boys were in one room and as I was walking by I over heard them talking;

Zayn: "I'm telling you! we can't wait two months. we just need to do this"

Niall: "I hear ya lad. you all with this?"

Liam: "yeah sure man"

Louis: "yup"

Harry: "woah woah woah! why can't we? I can't do that to her. let's just wait, it's worth it"

Zayn: "I understand and all but man, if we don't replace her permanently Yasmin's just going to ask for bigger raises and be even more all over you harry"

Harry: "Fine. I guess if it's what we have to do"

I can't believe it... They were actually replacing me for good! I worked my butt off for this!

"Oh hello Lila.." Louis says

"Yeah didn't even notice you there" Zayn said wincing 'cause I was there.

Now I had very noticeable tears streaming down my face.

"It's okay. You won't have to, Yasmin's what's up now"

I run out with Harry calling after me.

The bus had been getting gas at the moment so I ran out the door without any shoes, sitting next to the building.

"Hello pretty lady" a creepy hobo says strolling towards me

"Go away old hag"

I get up just as he's going to sit beside me and run towards the bus but don't go inside.

"Lila babe, come back inside" Harry says coming out and covering me with his body.

"I worked my butt off for all of this. And you guys are just going to throw me out the door because you can't wait two months?!"

"Lilac, you need to understand. Yasmin will just keep asking for more money, and she'll be even more all over me."


I was screaming now, bawling my eyes out.

"Just calm down. Everything will be fine"

"Yeah for you."

I push past him and run on to the bus ignoring everyone who tried talking to me and jumped into bed.

Worst day ever.

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