Dragon's Nest Short

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Just something I wrote for my Psychology class earlier this year. 


        Lacy leaned over the back of the couch, looking down at Quin who was trying to take a nap. The boy opened an eye to look at her and frowned. He sat up and turned to watch TV. Lacy walked over and stood in front of him. Quin sighed in defeat.

        “What do you want?” he asked, slightly irritated. Lacy grinned.

        “I have an errand for you to do”, she answered, innocently. Quin eyed her suspiciously. This can’t be good, he thought.

        “What’s the errand?” he questioned.

        “I need you to go to the store and buy some groceries”, Lacy stated. Quin gave her a confused look. That didn’t sound as bad as he had thought.

        “Okay…?” he agreed, standing up and leaving to go to the store. He came back later with the groceries. After putting them away, Quin went to attempt to watch TV again. Lacy walked into the room and stopped for a second, thinking. She then turned to him again.

        “Oh, I forgot something! Could you fill a bucket with ice for me?” she asked, “I need it to keep the soda cold. There’s no room in the fridge.”

        Quin groaned and went in the kitchen to fill a bucket with ice. He handed it to Lacy and laid down on the couch to take a nap. Why do I have to be her errand boy?, he thought, Why not Xander or Exzavier? He fell asleep only to be woken up by Lacy not even an hour afterwards. This time she had him go outside to shovel snow. He was freezing out there. When he was almost done, Lacy opened the door and add the chore of scraping ice off of the truck, making him stay outside longer.

        “You have got to be kidding me!” Quin complained to himself out loud. He quickly finished shoveling snow out of the driveway and started scraping ice off of the truck. He cringed at the sound of the scraper on the windshield. He finished a little over twenty minutes after he had started.

        Finally, Quin thought. He opened the door and went back inside, still freezing from the cold air. The boy made his way to kitchen for some hot chocolate to warm himself up. He opened the door, causing ice water to fall on top of him. He hugged himself due to the cold, currently shivering with his teeth chattering, and glared at Lacy who was sitting at the table laughing uncontrollably.

        Xander and Exzavier opened the front door and walked in. They stood there, unsure of the situation as well as what to do. All they knew was that Quin was soaking wet and shivering. Xander turned and walked back outside while Exzavier went to another room in the house. Quin stood there, still glaring at Lacy. She finally stopped laughing and went to grab him a towel. She still had a big grin on her face from the prank she had just pulled.

        “You’re insane”, he commented.

        “Thank you”, Lacy replied.

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