[mindi's lesbian chat]

59 3 8

05:09 am

Sayos goth gf: why did mom take my phone

Money Money Rich Rich: u didnt miss that much

Sayos goth gf: i obviously did

5:18 pm

Minduwu and also insomniac: hello

wait im creating a girls chat

Mindi Hinata created a group chat called "lesbians assemble!" and added Anastasia Ludenberg, Sayori Tsumiki-Mioda and 5 other

Mindi Hinata changed 8 nicknames

Insomniac lesbian: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

lesbian lesbian: take deep breath

Music lesbian: yeah, just tell us what happened

gamer lesbian: girl did something happen after we left?

Insomniac lesbian: okay basically. Me, aki, nagisa, shoyo, satsuki and renzo and akis dog freya were at this playground and it was really fun and all

then we decided we wanted ice cream but freya wouldnt move so me and shoyo stayed and watched her

gamer lesbian: oh shit oh shit oH SHIT

Insomniac lesbian: we were just sitting there on the swings and it was awkward and then I suddenly asked him "do you really think im pretty?"

s: "Yeah?" (totally oblivious to my low self esteem)

m: "It doesn't bother you that... I was a guy?

s: (looking into my eyes and god his eyes and so pretty) "No it doesnt? Mindi, seriously, you are beautiful. ask anyone"

i just looked like i didn't believe him and he took my hand and said "Look, you are super beautiful. How many times do i have to say that, you idiot?"

m: (awkwardly) "you also tell me to not go to sleep at 4 am"

s: "different"

and i was blushing so much but i dont think he noticed??? and none of the other guys (or satsuki) noticed when they came back (or like i doubt nagisa would have missed something like that but yeah) and this is weird but he was like really hot when he licked his ice cream? god that sounded wrong didn't it?

anyway i think i like shoyo now >////<

gamer lesbian: that was why there was such an awful lot of sexual tension between you two? dont worry he didnt notice

Strong lesbian: but he is totally right, you are probably the most beautiful girl in our friend group

Insomniac lesbian: no u >///<

lesbian lesbian: uno reverse card

goth lesbian: they are probably right

beat-shit-outta-them lesbian: omg we are not going to comment that mindi has a dirty mind

Insomniac lesbian: seeing your crush lick an ice cream is a little much dont you think

beat-the-shit-outta-them lesbian: mah gawd

Music lesbian: are you gonna ask him out?

Insomniac lesbian: no!


he can ask me out

goth lesbian: *face palm*



Insomniac lesbian: :(

sometimes i just wanna act like every straight gal in a dromedy movie

beat-the-shit-outta-them lesbian: dromedy?

gamer lesbian: not enough drama to be a drama movie, not enough comedy to be a comedy movie


beat-the-shit-outta-them lesbian: i feel like that is a reference

Insomniac lesbian: oKAY lets priotize me

lesbian lesbian: youre hot? sorry i didnt listen

Insomniac lesbian: nO shoyo is hot

gamer lesbian: dUh

goth lesbian: ugh

Strong lesbian: dont ask him out quite yet

we need evidence

beat-the-shit-outta-them lesbiam: me n sayori n nagisa just talks to orino, masato, hikaru and renzo to begin with

Insomniac lesbian: DONT TELL THEM
gamer lesbian: i wont i promise

music lesbian: what she said

beat-the-shit-outta-the lesbian: retweet

insomniac lesbian: thanks

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