Chapter 7

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Hey guys before I get into this I would like to say THANKS SO MUCH FOR GETTING ME TO 80+ VIEWS AND #3 ON MULLY TAG I appreciate you all so much now let's get into the story

Josh pov
I'm so excited WE ARE FINALLY AT THE ADOPTION CENTER. "I love you all so much" Ree kid says. "Awwwwww" Mully says. "I'm going to be a father! " I yell out. "I'm going to always be the biological father" Juicy says laughing. "Reeeeeeeee" Ree kid yells. Narrator walks up to the adoption lady and say "Hello ma'am my friends would like to adopt this child, he has recently got away from his kidnapper. The lady looks so shocked. " Oh my god, we need to report the kidnapper to the police, dear (looking at ree kid) where does this woman live? "She says. " 234 acers drive" Ree kid tells her. "Im his biological father but if she finds out I have ree kid she is going to kill me." Juicy says with tears in his eyes. The women walks up to juicy and hugs him. "It's going to be fine but you need to breathe" The woman says. Juicy gets his breathing steady. "The kidnapper is at Law pub right now" Ree kid says. "Okay let me just give a call to the police and give them information" She says.

Ree kids pov
As we wait for the women to return I suddenly hear a voice yell "Ree kid! Mully! Josh! Narrator! Eddie! Juicy! " We turn around to see a boy around 10 years old. "Hello there little fella" Eddie says. And to surprise the kid says " Hola, soy un gran fan de ustedes y hablo español." (Hello, I'm a fan of you Guys I speak Spanish too) Everyone except for narrator and Eddie looked confused so Eddie explains what he said to us. " Me preguntaba si querías tomar una foto con nosotros."(Hello there I was wondering if you would like a photo with us) Eddie says. "Yes please but can my sister get a photo too" The boy says. We all nod and he brings out a girl who looks the same as him but girl version. She is in utter shock and starts crying happy tears. "I love you guys so much" She yells and hugs us. I suddenly see a bruise on her and her brothers arm. "What happened to your arms" I ask. "Our dad used to abuse us" she said with tears filling her eyes. I signed for the boy to come over too and hugs them. "If you would like I could ask my adoptive dads if they can adopt you two" I said pointing at mully and Josh. They both smile and cuddle into my shoulder. "Dads can you please adopt these two with me because I would like siblings" I ask and they both aggree. Suddenly the women cones back into the room. "Hey there so the kidnapper is getting arrested-oh I see you have met Rosie and Jake" She says. "Yes we have and we was wondering if we could adopt them too" Mully says. "Of course, the more the merrier" She sings. Then our dads sign the paper work. "Todays been a tiring day im going to try sleep" I yawn and me and my siblings fall asleep.

Hey guys I hope you like chapter 7 Im sorry if it's not the best but yea.Also is there anyone else who reads these who are British? Cos I ammmmmmm I had some problems publishing this lol

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