Chapter Seventeen

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Niall's POV


Harry woke and shifted in my arms. It was different being the one to hold him when he usually holds me, but I really like the feeling of him inside mine. He traced patterns on my stomach absentmindedly then he just presses his lips into mine and disappears into the bathroom. "Come join me." he says. I get up and slip into the small bathroom after him. He pulls my body against his pressing his lips down against mine feverishly. His tongue swipes across my lower lip begging for entrance, I only say begging by his need for the kiss.

Our tongues fight for dominance for a little while in a sloppy tango before he breaks away and lifts my shirt over my head and dropping it to the ground. I do the same with his and he attaches his lips to my neck nipping and sucking. He kicks his sweats off and his boxers too. Soon I'm doing the same thing and before I know it we're standing under the warm water. He backs me up against the wall of the shower his back to the running water. "I love you." he breaths. His lips press into mine again with more passion than lust. I pull him in closer to me making our bare members touch and harden. We both gasp, and he rubs against me and I moan into his mouth making him smile.

He turns me around leaving lovebites along my neck and shoulder. His finger slips inside me and I moan. He moves it slowly in and out driving me insane. Then he just pulls it out and carefully he enters me. I gasp and he freezes letting me adjust to his size before moving slowly. His pace gets faster and faster until we both release. He pulls out of me and moves back to let me turn around before he kisses me softly. He ends up washing my hair for me and I for him then he turns off the shower. He hands me a towel and I dry off my hair and wrap it around my waist. "Did you miss me?" I ask breathlessly.

"You have no idea." he breaths.


We get dressed and sit on the bed. "What was that about?" I ask. He pulls me onto his lap and plants a chaste kiss on my lips.

"Zayn interrupted us last night." he whispers. So he really wanted to do it again last night. That's why he gave me the apologetic look.

"So you had to make up for it this morning?"

"I had to get my sexual frustrations out sometime. You really do drive me insane sometimes. Anyways I can't think of better ways to wake up in the morning."

That was a good point. There aren't many things that could even compare to how I feel right now. Not even food could make me feel like this. I smile at him, but it doesn't last long before I hear Zayn crying. It's faint, but still there. He helps me up and takes my hand and we go check his room. He's laying there with his face hidden in the pillow.

"Zayn?" he asks. Zayn rolls over and looks at Harry with sad puppy dog eyes. "Hey how are you feeling?"

"Like shit." lovely answer Zayn. Harry sighs and sits down at the end of the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" oh here's the part where he really works his magic. Zayn shakes his head and pulls Harry into a hug.

"She called again last night Harry. She says that me being in love with my best friend isn't okay with her, but I don't know who's she's talking about. I feel more confused now than when she broke up with me yesterday. She keeps calling Harry make her stop." on cue Zayn's phone rings. Harry reaches for it. His face turns sour, but he answers.

"Why do you keep calling him?" his voice was low and defensive. "I don't care what your damn reasons are, you need to stop. You broke up with him, but it doesn't mean you get to keep calling and hurting him more!" he yells. I wince. I never like it when Harry raises his voice. It was the one time when I actually felt bad for the person he was yelling at. "Don't call him." his voice was sharp and direct. He set the phone aside to turn his attention back to the trembling Zayn. "No more crying. She really isn't worth it." he whispers. I can't handle the look Zayn is giving him. I turn on my heel, grab my car keys, and dash out the door.

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