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Why cannot humans be happy? The truth is that we do not want to be happy. Our sadness is as synthetic as our sense of happiness.

Hypocrisy is inseparable from our existence. We do to others what we forbid others to do to us. You think cheating the other to get what you want is legal until the same is done to you. Then your smart ways are unfair when someone cheats you thinking they out smarted you.

Does it not cross your mischievous mind that either party trying to cheat the other simultaneously does not achieve benefit? The person you mistrust shares the same doubts about your credibility. Yet, either party idiotically claims to have profited from the self deception. In fact both have incurred losses which they deny being in the state of their egos. Losing the trust in a relationship is irreparable and the future dealings are riddled with doubts.

It is useless to lie for it is self destructive. However, people lie casually to escape reality.

People will justify the wrong done to you that they did much better than the worse you had done to them. You are perplexed by their audacity to feign that they are the ones hurt most after they hurt you more by denying that they ever hurt you. And, you are stuck with a gaping mouth silently speaking 'what the fuck?'

Exactly, cunning nature of humans let the most despicable beings roam around guilt free! This is the evolution of humans adapting to overcome the interpersonal conflicts besides overcoming the barriers posed by the immediate physical environment to their survival. This leaves moral sense of choosing right from wrong obsolete. The convenient thing is to shit on and blame the person as worthy of being shit, and move on like nothing happened rather smoothly.

Deciding wrong from right is cumbersome as it involves arguing with people who beat the arguments with cunningness: hence, the truth. In fast paced overpopulated cities people do not have time to establish the truth. Lying to get things done is technically feasible. 

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