Spending time with the daredevil.

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You look out to see both mirage and Octane looting the boxes, wraith however; was nowhere in sight.
"Where'd wraith go? You think she got finished?" You asked Gibraltar, he looked over to you and smiled.
"It's a possibility, but I doubt that she'd allow herself to get finished," he chuckled, cautiously you look out the house again and see the two men disappeared.
"They're gone!" You readied your gun while looking around for any signs, Gibraltar does the same while cautiously looking outside.
"I don't like this one bit." Lifeline muttered, you see mirage run towards your building, out of instinct you shoot at him only to find out it was a decoy.
"Damnit, they know where we are now.." Out of nowhere you hear gunfire and turn to Gibraltar shooting back at the final team, he goes inside and closes the door while then throwing out what seems to be his ultimate.
"I'm opening the sky," he charged his shields as his bombardment rains down, you could see in the midst of it a green and blue beeline run through the destruction, following after that was mirage and a few of his decoys. You knew they were hurt, so you and your team ran out to push them.
"Ones got purple, the other got gold," Gibraltar shoots at Mirage while he frantically ran behind cover, your team pushes him seeing he was alone.
"We got one covered, I didn't see the otha two yet though," Lifeline proceeded to down mirage while looking around on high alert, soon after you see Gibraltar get downed by Wraith.
'Shit' you thought, you unload a clip into her and break her armor, Lifeline stood there firing back at what seems to be Octane.
"Damnit Silva!" She yelped as she got downed, you sweat nervously seeing as both Wraith and Octane are still up and running. You heal up in a panic then make your way towards lifeline.
"Where'd he go?" You questioned while you proceeded to pick her back up, the footsteps grew louder while you tried to stick the revive.
"Wassup chica!" You hear octane laugh as you felt the bullets hit your skin, you run off to take cover and charge your shields then peek and shoot at octane. The bullets continued to pelt him while he stims and runs towards you, you screech and run off leaving a trail of goo.
"Come on!" Octane groaned as he continued chasing after you, you turn around and shoot at him, downing him.
"Yes!" You reloaded then turned to your side seeing wraith as your heart drops.
"Surprise.." she fired a clip into you as the announcer turns back on.
"Winner has been decided."
~30 minutes later~

"You didn't do too bad, hermosa." Octane chuckled as he stood back up and continued, "So how did that rush feel chica?"
"It felt.. surprisingly good!" You hopped up and punched the air in excitement, "Sucks I couldn't win though." You muttered.
"Well you came pretty damn close, I couldn't hear the end of it from Wraith. Said I got 'too cocky'." He put his hands up in quotations then turned to you, you look back at him and giggled. The two of you continued looking at each other as if the universe came to a complete pause, although you did see him twitch and shake as if he's always hyped on that stim.
"Well, I'll get goin' I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)." He stood up about to make a run for the door.
"W-wait! I still want to talk to you a little longer." He turned back towards you while tapping his foot.
"Then how about you come with me then?" You looked at him and froze up.
'Oh I didn't think I'd get this far-'
Before you knew it you were sitting on Octane's shoulders as he took hold of your legs.
"Hold on, so you don't fall off." He laughed as he ran outside, you continued to balance yourself while octane continued running.
"Where are we going?" You questioned as you laughed in excitement.
"Just somewhere I go when Im bored before getting back to my apartment." He shrugged it off.
"Wait are you bringing me to your home?" You asked flustered.
"Uh duhh." He laughed and continued running, as he came closer and closer to the edge of a cliff.
"I think we should slow down." You panicked seeing the edge appear closer, but Octane continued running faster.
"Octane!" You yelped helplessly as the two of you fell, looking over at Octane you see him do some flips and spins while making his way over to you as he chuckled. You screamed while flailing your arms around as you felt his warm body press against yours while his arms wrapped around you, soon after you could hear his jet packs activate while the two of you descended down.
"What a rush!" He laughed while looking down at you, for a while you kept holding onto him since it felt safer in his arms.
"Are you.. out of your MIND?!" You stood there in attempts to calm down as your breathe steadied.
"Lighten up hermosa, It was fun seeing you hold onto me for dear life." He chuckled as your cheeks brighten; however, you were still a little irritated.
"At least a warning would've been nice." You crossed your arms as you maintained eye contact(goggle contact?).
"I'll make it up to you." He chuckled, but you couldn't help but feel he was smirking under that mask of his,"Let's hurry back at my place." He squatted down signaling for you to hop on his back, and so you did. Octane stood up and proceeded to run towards the location of his apartment complex.
"Soo.. what happened to your legs?" You asked, he continued to run as he laughed.
"I blew them off! I was taking part of the Gauntlet and decided to blow up a grenade underneath myself to speed things up a bit." You looked at him in shock, he said that so nonchalantly.
'How can someone be so nonchalant about blowing off their limbs...' You continued holding onto Octane as you were stuck in thought, time felt still in your mind.
"We're here." You hopped off his back while he unlocked the door, as the door opened he went inside as you follow behind him. You shut the door behind you while you looked around.
"You're place looks.. nice, I thought it'd be messy." You laughed as you sat down on the couch.
"I try." He chuckled while taking off his head gear, you've never seen what his face looked like before.
He had some pretty hazel eyes, brown hair, a few small piercings; he looked completely normal in a way, but he felt different.
"Whatcha staring at?" He asked as he scooted closer to you, you jumped in surprise.
'I really need to stop dazing off in my thoughts'
You felt his hand slowly reach its way towards your side, it made you feel warm and hot almost anticipating what could happen.
'What the hell is this feeling?'

Octane x Reader: Dating a daredevilWhere stories live. Discover now