happy birthday Wang Yibo

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Wang Yibo was just finishing his last movie scenes for the day. Even when he said that he IS retired, but he couldn't help himself when an offer from Ridley Scott came.

It was a dystopian action-packed movie, where he would be one of the main leads. And there will be zombies and a LOT of violence, just right up his alley. He was giddy with excitement from the last take, which involved a full-blown zombie war, with fake blood and guts everywhere, and it took the last ounce of his strength wielding and swinging the heavy double katana. He was also very tired with Scott's very demanding schedules, but it will all be worth it when the movie comes out next year.

Today, since it's almost his birthday, he got 3 days off from the shooting, and he can't wait to spend it with his Zhan ge. 

He smiled everytime he thought about his beautiful Zhan ge, now a full time bakery owner and part time designer. He even got him to design some of the posters for his new movie. The US of A was really the land of freedom, although they lived mostly in Canada and sometimes went back to China, but they have a flat in Los Angeles, just for when he's filming like right now.

He was just about to go on his bike when his phone rang. He frowned, wondering who called him at this time of the night. He pulled out his phone and recognized Wen Qing's number.

"I'm in my way home right now."

"I won't be calling if it's not important."


"I know you're still there, I can hear you're breathing."

"Spit it out already, Qing."

"I need you to go to this address immediately, no question, someone's requested an important meeting with you. Urgent." She informed him with her no-nonsense tone.


"No buts. Now." She cut the call.

Yibo looked at his phone, pissed off, but if Wen Qing said it's important, then it's important. She knew what kind of job he would take anyway. So he shrugged, put the location of the meeting into his GPS, and drove away.


The location of the meeting is an old warehouse in the middle of nowhere. He was skeptical with this so-called meeting anyway and was about to leave when something caught his attention.

There's flickering lights inside the warehouse.

No no no...

This is exactly like the beginning of a horror movie.

But then the whole warehouse was lit, like brightly lit. 
He looked at it for second, before finally went over there.

I'm here anyway, so just let's get it over with.

He pulled over the big entrance, and saw a private jet inside. A Gulfstream G650ER nonetheless. He admired the sleek luxurious beauty from the outside of the warehouse.

Hmm, much be some rich guy, I wonder what they want with me...

"Mr. Wang? Wang Yibo?" 

Someone from inside the hangar, turned out it's a private hangar, called him out.
"Yes, were you the one who wants to meet me?" Yibo tried to see the person that called him. He was a tall, built man. More like a bodyguard than an executive.
"Please step into the plane, the meeting is inside." He stepped down the airstair, and signaled Wang Yibo to follow him. 
He was feeling uneasy, but he came up the airstair anyway. The bodyguard, showed him to the seats and spoke to his phone. The he signaled someone on the ground and suddenly the door to the plane was closed, and he heard the sound of the smooth engines started, and the plane started to move.
"What's this? Is this a kidnapping? Are you for real?" He jumped from his seat and tried to go back outside, but blocked by the bulky figure of the so-called bodyguard.
"Relax Mr. Wang, we're not kidnapping you, and it's true the meeting will be held inside this plane, but we have to pick up the other party first." He tried to comfort Yibo, but the latter were still fumed by the way he was duped.
"At least, can I contact my fiancee? He'd be worried if I'm not home soon."
"It's all been taken care of Mr. Wang, now all you have to do is just sit down and relax, enjoy your flight. There is a bathroom and a bedroom if you want to make use of them." He showed Yibo the bedroom and the bathroom. "Anything else, food, drinks, you just push this button here, and An will take care of you."
"Fine." He was still seething from this elaborate kidnapping, and he will get back to Wen Qing for this.
"Enjoy your flight Mr. Wang."

Happy Bday WYB (Yizhan Bday FF Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now