Exuse Me - (1)

105 10 3

Time : 3 : 23 pm
Place : Back alley
Narrating : Kurapika
Warnings : Just some
injuries, nothing much.


Kurapika struggled, pulling his head out from the spot it had twisted itself into. He shakes his head a little, regretting having done so immediately. His shoulders sag as he stops moving in an attempt to get himself corrected.

After a second, he was fine. Then he realized...


He doesn't recognize this architecture or any alleyways that look similar to this, where is he? Why is he so delirious and shaken?? That's when he hears a squeak and realizes he's been sitting on someone's boney leg. A small shake comes from the leg right after the noise, and Kurapika follows the motion.

Because he was just that tired, he wasn't able to catch himself and his head collided with the pavement below slightly. This caused a ringing, and then a faint, "Oh no!" but the ringing heavily overlayed that. He let out a low groan, holding himself up lightly with his left arm. He blinked away the pain and held a hand to his head.

"Hey, hey, easy..." That voice was soothing and helped more than that squeak from a second ago. So, with great pain, Kurapika opened his eyes. He winced at the brightness he now noticed but chose to keep his eyes on what he saw in front of him.

It was leorio.

He hadn't seen Leorio in a while, so this was a sight for sore eyes. With a smile, he disregarded the ringing pain and headache slowly rising, and gradually moved forward to wrap his arms around lerio's broad shoulders. He let go rather quickly as his mind kept wandering where exactly he was at, but it still couldn't find any answers. None.

So, pushing the nagging thought away, he looked around once more, then back toward Leorio.

"What are you doing here? Where even is here, by the way?"

Leorio shrugged his shoulders and gave Kurapika his signature dumb smile.

"I don't know, really. I just woke up here not too long ago and you were sleeping, and it slipped my mind."

Kurapika gave a light sigh and took his eyes off of Leorio for a second. He looked around once again and noticed how dark it really was where they were. It was somewhere around noon and the sun was setting, so there wasn't much light coming from the sky. The main source of light came from around the corner of the building they had their backs to.

Suddenly, Kurapika felt unnerved. He bolted upright and stumbled to his feet in an attempt to stand. Something just felt wrong in the pit of his stomach, and he felt that if he didn't move, he would vomit whatever he had in him.

It felt like fear, but he knew he wasn't afraid. His stomach kept twisting and he rested a first against the stone wall to hold himself in place. He let his blonde hair fall past his eyes, obscuring his vision. His left hand shot up to his mouth to cover it as he started coughing. Again, something didn't feel right.

Then he felt a gentle hand lay against his back and another soft hand bunch up his hair and move it away from his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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