Ch. 1

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It was a lovely fall day, the leaves were just changing colors and a slight chill was caught in the wind. Izuku Midoriya had just said goodbye to his mother as he left the apartment and headed for UA. He hummed as he happily walked to school. Ever since he was gifted with One For All, he's been able to actually enjoy himself, in what feels like forever. Sure Katsuki Bakugou, his childhood friend turned bully turned rival, was still a loud constant in his life. However, it had evolved from hateful comments to a more tough love type friendship, even if they did butt heads at times. He was always there when things got crazy though, even if he was the one to start it. Bakugou cared, he just struggled to express his emotions, other than anger of course.

Secondly, Midoriya was actually able to make friends out of his classmates! It was no surprise to anyone other than him to see how well he meshed with everyone. The class had started to call him a cinnamon roll, much to his embarrassment. It was the idea of Tenya Iida and Ochako Uraraka, and he never had it in him to argue with them about it. Soon the whole class got in on it, and he's been called it even by some UA staff. Thankfully All Might just sticks with 'my boy' ... only fueling Shouto Todoroki's insane theories.

Laughing out a sigh as he got to the main gate, he spotted Uraraka and Iida. Uraraka was practically glowing with excitement and she was seemingly hyping herself up. Iida encouragingly nodding in agreement with whatever she was saying. This only seemed to lift Midoriya's spirit as he walked faster.

"Good morning guys!" Midoriya cheered out as he approached them.

"Deku-kun! Good morning!" She turned with her usual excitement.

"Yes! Good morning Midoriya!" Iida greeted in his own weird happy way.

"You guys heading to class?" He really wanted to ask what they were talking about, but he knew better than to pry.

"Yep, me and Iida were just waiting for you." She sung with mischief in her eyes. He wondered what she was thinking, Iida looked a little flustered but not as much as Midoriya.

"Aw, you guys didn't have too." He whispered out in a blush.

"Nonetheless we did." Iida stated in he serious tone, making Uraraka laugh. He really did snap into robot mode sometimes.

"Like he said! Now let's not be late!" She giggled out as the began to make their way to class.

When the arrived, most of the class was already there, talking among themselves. The class paused momentarily to great the newly arrived classmates before going back to their conversations. They said their goodbyes and went to their seats.

Midoriya's heart rate was quickening a little, having to approach the seat behind Bakugou. Though they were friends now, it was still ingrained into him due to years of, well... years. He relaxed a little when he saw that the boy was busy yell talking at one Eijirou Kirishima. Midoriya was always amazed by Kirishima's unending kindness, even though even he had his limitations, and was always willing to act. Bakugou seemed to actually respect the redhead, if not think he was an idiot, and Midoriya was happy for another friend.

"Midoriya!" The redhead sang out as he noticed him in his seat. This caused Bakugou to quiet up and turn to look at him. After a moment of tension, he spoke. " Mornin' nerd."

"Ah! M-morning Kacchan! Morning Kirishima!" Midoriya sputtered out quickly. Bakugou had stopped calling him Deku as much, it was both warming and disappointing to Midoriya, though he couldn't explain why. Their relationship has always been complicated.

"Hey Midoriya! Some of us are going to the mall after school, you wanna come?" Kirishima asked almost too enthusiastically, earning a confusing looking from Bakugou. Not paying it any mind, Midoriya agreed.

They began to talk more about the details as the teacher came in.

"Shut up and sit down. We're starting." Eraserhead all but growled out in an annoyed tone. Midoriya deduced from his stance and mood that the staff coffee pot was broken again.

As he got settled in for the lesson, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. He glanced around the room, but everyone was focusing on the teacher. This made him more nervous. Call it a gut feeling, one he couldn't shake as class went on. He could swear someone was looking at him. Stiffening up, he faced forward and tried to act natural.

Someone was watching him, he knew it. The question was... who?



Hey! I'm trying this out to help with a writer's block for another story. I'm down with most BNHA ships so I was like "mystery stalker! Perfect!"

This will be a slow update...
I'm so sorry.

I suck at remembering names so I'm borrowing this:

I suck at remembering names so I'm borrowing this:

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