weeoo oc thing

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(i wrote this two years ago but decided to edit it cause i'm bored and am finally giving my ocs attention)


"Are you done?" Sierra groaned, turning over to get up. "Almost, just let me finish-" "You've been saying that for the past three hours!" she yelled "you haven't even eaten yet today!" she stood up, walking over to the shorter cousin's workspace, on the floor, "yes i did i-" "goldfish crackers don't count as a meal idiot, and that was last night" Sierra growled, snatching the others red glasses. "Hey! I need those!" Melody yelled, reaching for them. "Nope" the taller snickered, her red eyes glinting as she turned and walked out the door, "Not till' you eat something" she called over her shoulder as she walked to the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen, Melody followed her reluctantly. she saw a short brunette sitting at the counter humming away as she scrolled through her camera roll, while waiting at the toaster. next to her was a slightly taller boy with shoulder length grey-blue hair, eating cereal. "Hey Sora, Haruki. when did you get here?" Sierra asked, brushing long reddish hair out of her vision as her sharp violet eyes scanned the contents of the fridge. she pulled out two containers of yogurt out of the bottom compartment, lifting the tab on one of them with her mouth, as she fished two spoons out of the cutlery drawer, passing one of each to Melody. "Mr Han dropped us off here about 20 minutes ago" Sora yawned before continuing, "The cafe's busy today, Mrs Kang kicked me out" she laughed, spreading butter onto her bagel. Sierra peeked into the living room, seeing both her parents' jackets gone 'guess they left already' she thought, turning back into the kitchen.


the sound of keys hitting the wall startled Sierra out of her focus. she turned towards the door. "Hi dad" she greeted, looking back at the TV. "Hey" Melody chimed from beside her, Saeran nodded before disappearing into the kitchen. "that was weird" Melody hummed, flopping her body over the back of the couch. "Something must be going on" Sierra answered with a soft sigh, "it's probably best to not ask," she continued. "I don't care, we're a part of the RFA too, we deserve to know" the blonde growled. "Just drop it Mel" Sierra huffed, before getting up off the couch. the younger cousin walked over to the door, picking up her red Vans and sliding them on her feet, "where are you going?" Melody asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion "if you're going to go wait for Zen, can I come with you?", "No, you should wait here in case Saeyoung comes to get you" she sighed, throwing on a thick off-white cardigan that slightly hung off of her frame. she opened the door, stuffing her key into the pocket of said cardigan before walking out the door "i'll be back soon"

(around 21:45 pm)

By the time she arrived at the studio it was already dark, the only source of light being the street lamps lining the sidewalks, Sierra stuffed her hands into her pockets, though it was August the air was still fairly cold. She approached the stage door located at the side of the building, about to open it when she felt a small hand on her shoulder, "Huh?-" she turned around, getting a glimpse of short pale blonde hair that seemed oddly familiar, stuffed into a black hoodie before she was jerked back and a the same hand that was originally on her shoulder was over her mouth. "I'm sorry, Sierra" a higher pitched, trembling voice quietly spoke, assumingly the voice of the person behind her. fear shot through her, how did they know her. She gripped at the blonde's arm, trying to pull it away from her face. "wait is this-" just as the realization of the identity of the small teen hit her, she passed out, going limp in her arms.

(22:00 pm)

Sora sat quietly in the front seat of the vehicle as the same blonde prepared to drive to their destination, she cast a glance to the back seat "i apologize" she mentally spoke with a quiet giggle. she turned back to the front, "you gonna leave yet or what?" the brunette asked, not missing the nervous intake of breath the younger blonde let out as she started the vehicle.


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