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description of wounds, injury and blood


Mia jumped back with a gasp when the teacup hit the floor with a loud shattering sound. her eyes widened before quickly falling to her knees, brushing the shards of thin white glass into her trembling hands, "imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry" she repeated quickly, like a broken record. "i- i can get another one! or i can fix this one, or-" her muttering was cut off when two scarred arms made their way around her waist tightly, she took a sharp intake of breath when she felt a warm breath on her shoulder. "its alright Miiia~" a warm, but icy voice giggled softly, before she felt long brown hair brush the nape of her neck and the head of her "Friend" rest onto her shoulder. she gulped, before breathing sharply through her teeth when she accidentally crushed the shards of the shattered teacup into her palms, wincing when she felt blood trickle down her wrist. "oh?" Sora smirked, gently grabbing her fist before squeezing it tightly. Mia yelped, feeling the thin glass stab deeper into her palms, "Whats wrong Mia??" the brunette asked innocently, with a giggle, "N-nothing" the shorter blonde whimpered, knowing that nothing good would happen if she defied the older girl. Sora giggled, amber eyes tracing over the trembling blondes bloody hand. she gently took hold of her hand, pressing her thumb into it in order to open her clenched fist, a sadistic grin finding its way onto her face once she saw the glass shards stabbing into her soft flesh. she carefully took hold of the largest shard, pulling it out of the wound, only to shove it back in forcefully. Mia painfully clenched her teeth as Sora continued to pull the shards in and out of the wounds on her hand.

Sora let out a breathy laugh before dropping Mia's hand and untangling herself from the small blonde, "go, leave" she dismissed. Mia looked confusedly at the brunette, "i have a meeting with mother soon" she finished, walking over to the table to pick up the rest of the teacups. Mia sighed, turning to leave, glad that she was warned about mother, she wasn't really in the mood to deal with her at the moment. she looked down at her wounded hand, 'i should probably disinfect that' she though with a wince, as she opened the door, casting one last glance at the now completely focused brunette that was tapping quickly on a small laptop with a slightly panicked expression. "..goodbye.." she sighed quietly, closing the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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