Shoto Todoroki

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"Eeeee this is going to be so fun!" Mina screeched loudly which made my ears hurt. I groaned quietly as I rubbed my left ear.

"Should we invite any of the guys?" Yaoyorozu asked with a slight frown from Mina's loudness a second ago.

"We totally should!" Mina screeched once again making everyone groan "whoops sorry" she then added.

"Who's coming and not coming" Tsu asked and I was the first to speak up.

"Unless you want your house to still be up after the sleepover I doubt you should invite Bakugou" I said shrugging while playing with a strand of my hair and my statement was also was true.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU BITCH" I heard the familiar yell of the hedgehog. I rolled my eyes at his dramaticness and turned around to face him.

He had his familiar angry face on and was giving me a glare.

"What do you want come to a sleepover then" I asked him and he let out a 'tch.'

"Like i'd want to go to some stupid sleepover" he said in still a loud voice but it was an improvement from the yelling.

"Exactly so don't get mad over someone you don't even care about idiot" I murmured the last word for my own safety.

He let another 'tch' and then I turned back to the girls to discuss.

"Kirishima will definitely come" Uraraka stated which was true. Kirishima would do anything to make any of us girls feel comfortable.

We discussed everyone who wasn't and was invited until it came to him. Todoroki.

"I think we should invite him, just try to avoid him Y/N" Hagakure said to the group then me. I had a big crush on Todoroki and everyone in class knew about it. I'm pretty sure he knew too, he just chooses to ignore it.

"I-I'm totally fine with Sh- Todoroki coming, i'm completely fine around him" I stated motioning my hand to say I didn't care.

"Y/N" there was a monotone voice behind me that I instantly recognised. I let out a small yelp as I stumbled off the desk I was sitting on but managed to stay on my feet.

I quickly turned around to see Todoroki standing there with his no emotion face.

I noticed behind him there was most of the guys in our class watching intensely.

"Y-ye-" I tried to answer him when Mina cut me off by jumping in front of me.

"Todoroki come to our sleepover tonight" she smiled widely at him and he averted his eyes from me to her making me feel a little sad.

"Okay" was all he replied with and Mina screeched with happiness.

"Can we come" "what about me" "I'M GOING NOW" all the boys were pressuring us with questions.

Eventually we got through it and the boys were coming were: Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugou, Kaminari, Iida and Midoriya.

The rest either busy or didn't want to come.

"Thought you didn't want to go Bakugou" I teased him as I walked up to him.

"SHUT UP EVERYONE ELSE WAS GOING SO THERE WAS NO POINT IN NOT GOING" he yelled in my face and I giggled a little.

This made his cheeks go a little pink and he stood facing me angrily.

"I WILL KILL YOU STOP LAUGHING" my giggle turned into a laugh. He was clearly growling angrily and I heard little booms.

I looked at his hands and seen his hands he was making tiny explosions in his hand. I immediately stopped laughing and he lifted his hands up and as he did the explosions got bigger.

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