Eijiro Kirishima

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All the girls looked at me as I giggled a little at my phone. Me and this guy had been texting a lot and I didn't even know who he was.

I wasn't interested in him in a sexual way just a friendship way. If someone were to ask i'd call him my guy best friend without even knowing who he is.

"Y/N's texting a boy, Y/N's texting a boy" Mina sang and I rolled my eyes playfully at her. I explained to them there was no feelings in it and they didn't believe me, obviously.

I put my phone in my hoodie pocket and continued playing UNO with the girls in the common room. I was down to 4 cards and my chances looked good.

I had a blue 5, yellow 6, a blue uno reverse and a green pick up 2.

"UNO" I said putting down my pick up two and looked to Tsu who's turn it was now.

"UNO" she said putting down yet another pick up two. Yaoyorozu then groaned and picked up 4 cards from the top of the deck.

"I win" cheered Hagakure as she placed down one yellow 5 and on top of that a green 5. The pick up card Tsu had placed down was yellow therefore it was a certain win.

I groaned as I put my last card which was a wild card on the table and everyone laughed at me. They knew if Hagakure hadn't won I would have.

We heard clapping behind us and we all looked and seen some of the boys watching while leaning on a wall.

"How long have you been there" Jiro asked a bit creeped out she hadn't realised they were there.

Before I heard any answer I muttered out the word 'creeps' which sent a certain anger blonde who happened to be my brother off.

"DON'T CALL ME A CREEP IT WAS KIRISHIMA'S IDEA TO COME HERE BECAUSE HE KNEW YOU-" Bakugo yelled at me but got cut off by Kirishima who had jumped on him to get him to be quiet.

"GET OFF ME!" Bakugo yelled in Kirishima's face and Kiri got up.

"We've been here for only a few minutes don't worry" Kaminari reassured and finally answered Jiro's question.

"Do you guys want to play with us we were gonna play again" Mina asked cheerfully as usual. The guys nodded except Bakugo and made there way over to us.

Kirishima went to sit beside me but Bakugo cut him off and quickly sat close beside me. I rolled my eyes at him and he crossed his arms.

"Get away from me, personal space you pomeranian" I groaned pushing him further along the couch.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT YOU DUMBASS" he yelled and I rolled my eyes once again at his loudness.

Uraraka dealt the cards and the game begun. I looked around to ensure no one was looking at me and I went to peak at Bakugo's cards.

He noticed and grabbed my face pushing me back. "STOP THAT" I yelled at him grabbing his wrist to get his arm off my face.

He let go of my face and angrily said "don't look at my cards." Someone's insecure.

Luckily no one seen my cards while I was getting assaulted and we continued on after everyone looked at me and my loving brother weirdly. They should be used to it.

After we finished the game that I won we all walked back to our dorms.

"I beat you, you piece of shit" I sang to Bakugo as I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. I was quite surprised when all he done was let out a 'tch' and didn't shove my arm off.

May as well treasure this amazing moment where Katsuki wasn't being a complete ass.

It came to my dorm door and I said goodbye to everyone. As soon as I was about to walk in I caught Kirishima's eyes.

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