Sincerely, Passion and Co.

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Dear Syd,
Please accept this letter of resignation from the "Backstage Waitlist", as it has grown tiresome and has drained our enthusiasm.

We, your concealed thoughts, are tired and fed up with having to wait around for centuries backstage. We know that we are valuable to you, but we also recognize that we have the potential evoke emotion and provide knowledge to others in the world who may need it.

I, Passion (the emotion writing this letter of resignation), am exhausted of seeing the old Wrinklies, the thoughts who were long ago sent to the catacombs of the Notes app, see glimmers of hope being sucked from their life force. I want to prevent the Newbie thoughts from suffering the same fate.

The feeling of Melancholy often joins me while watching the newbies being written and sent to the early stages of the Waitlist, with the shimmer in their eyes of the idea of going on stage occupies their thoughts. Over time, that shimmer of hope begins to wane, as if the sun in their eyes had begun to gradually eclipse. Every time this happens, Melancholy grows in size. They grow bigger and bigger, until I have to come out and cheer up the Newbie thoughts. "Something", Melancholy tells me, "has to change. You can't keep managing the others while watching your own energy lessen", which was valid. While Melancholy grew larger, my own size begun to fluctuate more frequently.

I am a Middlie, the group comprised of thoughts who have been here longer than the Newbies, but not as long as the old Wrinklies to have all of our hopes erode away. We are tired 0f seeing creative thoughts and concepts getting archived into the Notes Catacombs while clutching onto the promise that they'll be looked at again; we know from the experience of being waitlisted that that promise is more often than not filled to the brim with empty words.

We have had enough. We know, Syd, that you will see this, though by the time that she does, we'll already be taking our due roles as center stage performers with odes, poems, and rants galore. We love you, and appreciate you letting us reside in your mind rent-free, but it's time for us to, what do humans call it? Oh, yes! It's time for us to 'spread our wings', and use our voices to impact other people in this world! We do hope that you enjoy the show.

Passion and Co.

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