Chapter 1

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Astrila shifts up, toward the surface. Kyma follows behind her, her tail reflecting the sunlight shining through the water. Her tail is a pale blue colour right now, lighter than it was an hour or so ago. The light is fading and that means less reflection on her tail. Astrila breaks through the surface and continues swimming, scanning the world above the water. Her body feels exhausted, they normally would have stopped by now.

But they can see the land in the distance. If they keep pushing themselves, they can reach it before the sun sinks beneath the horizon. They could even keep swimming past that point if they have to, but Kyma likes her sleep too much. Astrila doesn't think her cousin will last long past that point. She glances over at Kyma. Her white hair is pulled back into a bun and fixed in place with some pins.

Astrila doesn't know why she chose to do that instead of a braid, but the girl was quite adamant about the hairstyle she should use. She even found a recently deceased sea urchin so that she could use its spines to make her pins. Kyma is slower than she was earlier, her face is set with resolve despite the exhaustion beginning to line her face. She must want to use her powers to speed herself up but knows that she should save them for tonight, just in case they need to use the water boat again.

Astrila dips back beneath the water and continues on, toward the shores of the Old Land waiting before them. The water beneath them gradually lightens. In fact, it makes a jump in how bright it is not too far ahead of them. There must be a steep rise in how far below them the seafloor is there. Astrila snorts, sending bubbles spiralling up from her nose. Her sleek fur makes her streamlined and she's glad that whatever magic aides in the shift acknowledges the change in temperature between the seas of the Old Land and the arctic.

It really wouldn't have been comfortable to have a heavy winter coat in these warm seas. Her human form already isn't used to the warmth here, at least she has a reprieve in her seal form. She glances down again and this time, she can see the sandy bottom of the seafloor. It's about nine meters below them, they're getting quite close.

There is a slight sound from behind her and she looks back. A stream of bubbles is spiralling up from Kyma's mouth, she's relieved at how close they are too. Astrila barks at Kyma, a grin on her furry face. Kyma smiles back, her hands signing. She taught Astrila the signs the merrows use while they were stuck on the boat.

"Almost there. Can't wait."

Astrila spins, tiny bubbles dislodging themselves from her coat. Ahead of her, the seafloor rises up sharply. They've reached the shoreline. She continues up the beach until she reaches the point where it's easier to wade onto land than to keep swimming. That's when she shifts. Behind her, Kyma has shifted too and has finished retying her clothing into a shirt and pants. She wades out of the water, pulling the pins out of her hair.

She may pull her hair back while swimming, but she still prefers it down when she is on land. Astrila swings her pelt over her shoulders and slips her arms through the shorter sleeves. They go halfway to her elbow now, although in the arctic they went all the way to her wrists. It's shorter in other places as well. It goes down to her knees instead of her ankles. A breeze tries to lift Astrila's braid and she laughs, leaning into it. It whispers into her ear.

Your journey is not yet done. Follow the River Biadnoch inland and you will find what you seek.

Astrila sighs. "Will you lead me to the river?"

The wind curls around her and a shimmering tendril of it stretches out before her. A path. Astrila looks back at Kyma.

"How far away from the sea can you go?"

Kyma frowns. "Perhaps fifteen kilometres without discomfort, I can go just a little over twenty in total. If I stay near any body of water, that will help. Why?"

"We'll have to go overland to a river, the wind says I should follow it. I don't know how far the river is from the shore."

The wind whispers again. No harm will come to the merrow. Follow.

Astrila smiles. "Apparently, the distance we will have to travel won't hurt you."

Kyma nods. "So let's start walking. I hope we won't be walking too far? I don't want to be up too much longer."

Astrila shrugs. "I have no idea how far we're going. Can you try to make it to the river?"

Kyma sighs. "Fine. But if I fall asleep on you . . ."

A sharp bark of laughter bursts out of Astrila's mouth. "Then I'll carry you."

They start to walk. The tendril leads them on and on. Shadows blur around Astrila as the sun sinks beneath the horizon and she can feel the texture of the ground change beneath her boots. The shore was rocky but now the ground is a bit soft. There are some hard bits poking through here and there, but it is relatively soft for the most part. There are strange, tall shapes around her but Astrila doesn't stop to look. She's too tired.

It will be hard enough to keep walking until they reach the river, she can feel her eyelids beginning to droop with exhaustion. The tendril flares brighter, pulling Astrila back to awareness. She can hear rushing water ahead of them, they're getting close. She looks over at Kyma. The poor girl is almost dead on her feet, she's exhausted. She's pretty athletic, but she doesn't run around all day to stay alive like Astrila has done all her life. She isn't as used to this kind of activity.

Astrila shakes her head and slows her pace, letting Kyma catch up to her. She grabs onto her cousin's arm and helps direct her towards the river. The sound of it does seem to keep Kyma somewhat aware, but Astrila doesn't think Kyma will have any recollection of this once morning arrives. They aren't going anywhere on that water boat tonight, they're just going to sleep.

Kyma stumbles once they start down the incline to the riverbank and Astrila steadies her. Kyma manages to stand on her own feet for a moment longer before the exhaustion finally catches up to her. Astrila sighs and scoops her cousin up, carefully making her way down to the water. At the water's edge, there is a flat expanse of rock. Perfect. Astrila lowers Kyma to the stone before she twists to pull her pack off her back.

She flips it open and pulls a thick pelt out of it. Astrila spreads the pelt over the stone and helps Kyma onto it. The girl curls right up into a ball, wrapping her arms around herself. Astrila smiles and pulls another fur out, spreading it over her cousin. Then she grabs the third and final pelt and places it onto the stone beside Kyma. Astrila sinks onto it and pulls her bag close, tying the flap down. She pulls her pelt around herself and lets her mind finally drift off to sleep.
Astrila and Kyma are back! What do you think they're going to do next? Are you happy to see/read about them again? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out.

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