Chapter 1 - Penny

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" Hey Pen, would you do your mom a favor and put the kettle on for me. I would like a cup of tea to warm my old bones. " As she started laying out multiple piles.

" Sure mom"

"And while your at it, throw a few more logs in that stove. Spring can't come soon enough."

Today is a tad bit chilly out, it looks like we have another storm coming in. And from the looks of it, it's going to be a cold one.

I got two mugs down from the shelf and grabbed the mason jar mom keeps her tea in. I love mom's homemade tea. She makes it all herself. During the spring and fall. She has a garden out in the back yard that she tends to in the spring, and harvests it in the late fall. Herbs and vegetables. She cans her vegetables and all sorts of things, and stores them in the root cellar out back.

  " Is the tea ready yet"

" Almost" as I start pouring the steaming hot water into our mugs. I grab the jar of honey and head to the kitchen table. Sitting down the mugs of tea I ask her what we were working on.

My mom is the Beta female of our pack. And she helps Luna Beth with all the planning and records of everything that goes on in the pack.

  " Ok mom, where do you want me to start at." As I stood looking down at the table with my hands on my hips. I volunteered to help my mom with all the planning and arrangements for the Spring Festival coming up in the next few months.

   "Well we need to decide on what colors the decorations are going to be. And what foods we are going to serve. That way the hunters will have a good idea on what to get on their hunt just before the Festival. And Since we are hosting the Mating Rites this year, we also need to assign where we are can set up a place to keep all the packs when they arrive. "

As I looked at all the stacks of paperwork, I took a deep breath. "Well it looks as if this is going to be a long afternoon."

After about four hours of sorting, writing and organizing, and drinking many cups of tea. We managed to get some kind of order to a lot more then I had expected. We decided that royal purple and silver would be the colors of our decorations. And that we will use the valley just north of our housing area. This way there will be plenty if room for everyone to set up their tents. And we still are unsure of how many packs will be attending the Festival.

Just as we was about done putting everything in order, nice and neatly, mom's eyes kind of hazed over. Someone was mind linking her.

"You father wants to know if you want to stay for dinner tonight?" As she finished picking up the last of the paperwork.

"Not tonight mom. I want to make it back to my cabin before this storm hits us."

" Well stick around long enough to see your father. He hasn't seen you in weeks.

About 15 minutes later my father come walking in the door. He kicks his boots off at the door and hangs his coat up on a hook next to the door. My father is a very tall  man, well over 6 feet, and you can tell he works out a lot, he has a very wide chest. With long black hair that he keeps in a braid that comes down  just above his waist.

"Come here Penny and give this old man a hug." Walking over and wrapping my arms around his waist. It felt like I was being hugged by a big ole' bear.

"Hey pa. How's life been treating you?"

" Alpha Joe has working my tail off. We've been trying to put together a plan for our pack worriers for the Festival coming up. And from the sounds of it, it's going to be more packs here then there ever has been. Plus the Alpha King's son Prince Bastin will also be attending. So we need to step up the security."

" What did you bring home for dinner?" Mom asked.

Walking over to mom, my dad wraps his arms around her and says "How about me?" As he swings her around with a smirk on his face. Being such a flirt like always.

Giggling, my mom slaps him on his chest. Her emerald green eyes shining brightly.

" Ewe, dad! Wait until I'm not here for all that." As I roll my eyes. "So gross."

Heading to the door, I start to bundle up and put on my boots. Just getting ready to head over to my cabin. Feeling a twinge in my tummy. Telling me it's time to eat dinner.  Saying good night to my parents and letting them know that I loved them, I headed out for my walk home to my small little cabin. And man was it a bit windy, bur.

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