39 | Meetings Never Start Well

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"I cannot bloody believe you've talked me into going to this," I groaned.

"You're the Prince of Arcen turned Commander of the New Shards. I think it's self-explanatory why you're going," Xan said, a grin gracing his face.

"And the reason you're not going is?"

"Nobody knows the name 'Xanatos Dragon'." The other Commander's reflection shrugged from behind me. "Nash Doyle started the revolution in the first place, which gives Doyle credibility by just his name. And then you've been brought up your whole life learning how to run Arcen. I know nothing about policy, and I don't have the trust of the people at all. I'm just a rebel Commander, Zy, but you two... you two could be something much more to the Kingdom of Arcen," Xan said wisely.

"Still wouldn't hurt to have you there." Turning back from the mirror and training my eyes on the still figure perched on the edge of my bed, I threw my arms out in a mock display. "Blimey, I look like a Prince again."

Xan shook his head, the smirk returning to his expression. "No, you look like the next democratic Leader of Arcen. Maybe a little sexier than that, but I think they can handle it."

Okay, maybe he had a point. I mean, the blue leather trench coat wasn't necessary. I stepped closer to him, my knee spreading his legs, and Xan gasped, his hands grasping my black-clad hips to hold me still. 

"Zy," he started, but when I beckoned him up with a finger, his sentence was cut off as he rose. The nimble fingers of my right hand tucked stray locks of his onyx hair behind his ears and tangled at their roots. Xan's midnight eyes darkened, and his hands grasped the collar of my white dress shirt in surprise.

"Can you handle it?" I asked, smirking.

No. The other Commander remained silent at my challenge, our eyes staring into one another's, and I cursed my suddenly-present self-control. Xan's eyes flickered between my lips and eyes, and he began to lean forward. My other arm reached up to apply pressure on his lower back, and there was a knock at the door. If the soft chuckles coming from Xan were any indication, I'd growled both out loud and in my mind.

"What?" I wrenched open the door and found myself staring into Doyle's confused gaze.

"I was just coming to fetch you to leave for our meeting," the Captain said, his hands raised in mock surrender. "Trust me, I don't want to go either. Anyway have you seen Xani? I can't..." Doyle's voice trailed off as he spotted the other Commander behind me. Eyes full of mischief, Xan wrapped both of his arms around my shoulders, effectively trapping me. "Oh that's what the mood swing was for," he snorted. "I interrupted something."

"Nope, didn't interrupt a thing," the raven-haired male chirped, releasing my shoulders and slapping me on the back before I could confirm Doyle's allusions. All three of us stepped into the elevator, and the other Commander pressed the Section A, Floor One button to head back to his quarters. I could only watch him, eagle-eyed, as he acted like I'd never made an advance back in his quarters. "Good luck at the meeting; glad I'm not going. Hm, taste of your own medicine, eh?" Xan snickered, his midnight eyes flashing a challenge in my direction, and waved his fedora as he sauntered out of the elevator.

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