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Sorry, I love Aaron Hotchner and no one has been sending requests, so... I'll be writing about the boss until I get a request 

Also this is based off a post by emilyxprentiss on Tumblr

It had been a long, rough week. A Florida week unfortunately, and it didn't work out well either. One Agent was lost, another was shot, bringing the total up to twenty victims. We were all exhausted but none of us wanted to be alone tonight. "Hey, let's all go get some drinks. First round is on me." Rossi said, glancing at all of us. There was a chorus of 'sure' and 'yea' from all of us in the bullpen. Morgan and Garcia were the first to leave, he held the door for her and she giggled. Prentiss, Reid, and JJ were next to leave, discussing physics and magic tricks. You were almost the last to leave, just as you were grabbing your coat you noticed Hotch's office light was still on. You set your coat back down and walked the stairs to his office. 

It's the day of your interview and it was pouring down rain. You walked up the stairs of the building. "Excuse me, Sir?" You called, catching the attention of the man. He was about six foot,  with tan skin, and salt and pepper hair and goatee. "Yes Ma'am?" "Hi, sorry. I'm lost. I have an interview with Agent Hotchner in the BAU... can you give me directions?" He smiled, "Follow me, I'm headed there myself. What's your name kiddo?" He asked as he lead you to an elevator. "Uh Y/n. Y/n y/l/n. And you are?" You said, offering your hand to him, "David. David Rossi. Tell me kid, what bring you to the BAU?" "I have always wanted to be a profiler. I've been studying psychology, criminology, sociology, and forensics since I was twelve or so. I just have a facination with why people are the way we are. And I want to help those in need." I added, fumbling with my badge before stepping out of the elevator and literally bumping into someone. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I called, bending down and picking up the file folder that had been dropped. "Hotch, this is Y/n y/l/n. She's here for an interview." Rossi said before walking away. "I-I do apologize Sir, I didn't mean-" I stopped mid sentence, he was... hot. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, and purely exuded power. "It's alright Miss y/l/n, follow me please." He said before turning to follow Agent Rossi. 

I smiled at the memory, that was only a few months ago and somehow you still managed to hide the butterflies when he was around. You felt like a school girl with a silly crush as you reached his office door and knocked lightly. He cleared his throat before calling you into his office. He looked utterly exhausted. He leaned back in his hair, his tie was loosened and his jacket was hanging behind him. "Good evening Sir... um... the team is uh... going out. Rossi is buying the first round." I chuckled nervously, noticing the way he stared off. I chewed my lip, coming to stand beside his desk. "S-sir?" He jumped slightly, "Uh Yes. Sorry Miss y/l/n. I'm rather uh... busy at the moment." "Hotch... What's wrong?" I asked softly, there was a flicker behind his eyes. Of what I wasn't sure, but it was there and had my attention. He cleared his throat, coming to sit upright. "I'm fine Agent, thank you for asking." He stated with a bit of edge in his voice, reaching for the stack of files on his desk. "Hotch..." "Goodnight Agent Y/l/n." You sighed, picking at the hem of your shirt and clenching your jaw. "No." "Excuse me?" "I said no, Sir. I see you. I know that you sit up here in your office late at night listening to us make plans as a 'family'-" I quoted in the air, "-but you reminisce. About everything. About how the team called you a drill sargent, a bully a-and when they believed you trusted men over women. You push yourself to the brink of a panic attack over Reid and his Dilaudid, JJ's fear of dogs, and Garcia getting shot. Y-you..." You trailed off, tears welling in your eyes... knowing he's going to figure you out. His eyes burned holes into you, making you shift slightly. "You have convinced yourself that the family is happy without you. That you would be the mood killer at the party. There has always been a split second sliver of hope flicker in your eyes and it kills me to see it die when you lock yourself up here. You pour everything into this job. And Jack." Your voice cracked, tears fell, trailing down your cheeks. He stared down at the floor, you could see him trying to breath calmly. "H-Hotch... you are family." I said, touching his shoulders, "You are enough." He suddenly pulled you towards him, wrapping his arms around you snugly, his face buried in your shoulder. You draped your arms across his shoulders, stroking his back. You felt him take a shaky breath as his grip tightened slightly. "Y-you don't have to wear a mask with me Hotch... I'm here for you." I whispered, my heart breaking at the feeling of a tear drip onto my shirt. "You don't have to be strong, I'll be here for you. I am here for you." I whispered, placing a faint kiss on his temple. I held him as best as I could as he wept, near silent aside from a few shaky breaths. I continued to stroke over his back and shoulders, occasionally placing feather light kisses on his temple as his breathing slowly evened out. He sat back, wiping his face and clearing his throat. "H-How long?" I chuckled nervously again, turning my gaze down to the floor. "I-I d-" He kissed you, his hands coming to hold the sides of your face, you swore your legs would have given out if you hadn't of found the desk to lean of. He kissed your cheek, nose, and forehead before holding you again. "I haven't felt like this in a long time Y/n... I want you..." He breathed, before kissing you again. "Aaron... I want you too." He smiled at you, holding your hands. "May I treat you to dinner Y/n?" He asked before kissing your knuckles, "Of course Aaron."

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