#12 JJ

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Dedicated to eternallywarped

Everyone was shocked about the accident. JJ was heartbroken that Will was gone, leaving her and their two young sons behind. You had met her shortly after the accident, you were hired to be her assistant... Hotch had created the position to ease her mind. When you first met her you were concerned, she was solemnly quiet and hardly ever smiled. She twirled her wedding ring on her finger and stared off into space, tears forming in her crystal eyes more often then not. You started greeting her with a fresh cup of coffee and a smile every morning in an attempt to see her smile... until finally one day she did. And it felt like you had been punched in the chest. It was a Tuesday morning, it was raining outside. She stepped into the bullpen and you immediately appeared at her side with a cup of coffee, a smile, and a chirpy "Good Morning JJ!" That morning she smiled back, "Good Morning Y/n." You idly followed her up to her office, listening to her talk about how Henry wouldn't settle for bed the previous evening. She settled in behind her desk before sighing, noticing the newest case on her desk. "Y/n can you gather the team for me, this is an emergency case." Her voice cracked slightly, before I could react she cleared her throat. "Please Y/n, now." I nodded before finding the team and getting them to the meeting room. 

JJ stared out of the window of the plane as she did what she could to control her panicked breathing. Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, and Reid poured over the case, quietly bouncing ideas about the unsub around. Prentiss sat with JJ reminding her to breath deeply. Your heart slowly sank at the sight of JJ, so you did what your mother did for you... a cup of steaming green tea with honey. "Hey... I know its not much but... this is what my mom always did for me when I was upset..." I said, holding the cup out to her. Her hand grazed across mine for a brief second, small tingles of electricity crept where she touched me. "Y/n, I'm going to help them with the profile. Can you sit with her?" "Of course!" I said a little too eagerly before taking her seat. JJ leaned into me, holding my hand tightly. There were a few moments of silence between us as she chewed her lip anxiously. "Hey JJ... I got you. I'm here if you wanna try to get some rest..." She nodded slowly before curling in the seat, laying her head on my shoulder. "Y/n?" "Hm?" "Thank you."

Everyone had been acting weird, especially JJ. Usually she told you everything, and was no where near as snappy as she has been since we got this case. She refused to talk to almost everyone except Hotch. "R-Reid?" I called softly, trying to catch his attention without catching the rest of the team's attention. He spun to facing you, "What's up y/n?" "What's wrong with JJ?" I asked softly, looking up at the pin board full of victims. This unsub was a bomber, focusing on small family places such as parks, pediatric doctor's offices, and after school places. "She's uh... connected... to the case..." He said quietly, staring at the floor. "Look it's not really my place to talk about it..." He added before turning back to the file on the table. "Conect-" "I GOT IT! GUYS I THINK I GOT IT!" Reid yelled, running over to the board and connecting all of the current victims. I listened as best as I could before suddenly being pulled away. "I think we need to talk." JJ growled as she shoved you inside of an empty office. "JJ-" "What is your deal y/n? What makes you think you can ask another member of this team about my personal life?" She spat, cornering you until you were forced into a chair. "I didn't mean to upset you JJ... I just... I didn't and still don't know why my cr-best friend is upset. Please don't be offended. I didn't mean anything by it, I swear." I pleaded, tears trailing down my cheeks. Silence. I watched her lean against the desk, holding her face in shock. "I-I'm sorry y/n... I did-didn't mean..." I stood and wrapped my arms around her shaking frame, holding her tightly as she sobbed. "He-He ki-ill-ed my hu-husband-d." She stammered out, gulping for air. "JJ... I'm so sorry... breathe sunshine. Please, you gotta breathe for me. For Henry and Michael." I whispered repeatedly, rubbing over her shoulders. Once she calmed as much as possible she pulled out of my arms, surprising me by kissing me. I sighed into the kiss and pulled her closer. "Y/n... I'm so sorry... for everything. And for not doing that sooner. You uh...you always make me smile, even on my darkest day." She said quietly before giving me another soft kiss. I pulled away, wiping away her tears, "Always JJ. Forever and Always."

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