Part 20

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First letter of your mum's name:
A: Aspen/Apple/Adder
B: Bramble/Bird/Brown/Billy/Broken/Black/Badger/Birch/Blue/Beetle/Breeze/Bark/Bristle/Burn
C: Cinder/Cedar/You choose!/Cherry/Cloud/Crow
D: Dawn/Dusk/Dapple/Dog/Dandelion/Dark/Doe/Dew
E: Egg/Echo/Ebony/Eagle/Ember
F: Fire/Fern/Fawn/Frost/Fox/Flower/Fish/Freckle
G: Gorse/Golden
H: Heather/Hickory/Hazel/Holly/Honey
I: Ivy/Ice
J: Jay/Jewel
K: Kite/Kestrel/Kink
L: Lily/Light/Lark/Lion
M: Misty/Mouse/Mint/Moon/Meadow/Moss/Minnow
N: Night/Needle/Nettle/You choose!
O: Oak/Otter
P: Pebble/Puddle/Parrot
Q: Quick/Quiet/Quail
R: River/Rain/Rose/Reed/Rabbit/Root/Ripple/Raven/Red
S: Sun/Snake/Shrew/Stupid/Snow/Sliver/Stem/Shatter/Sorrel/Sky/Squirrel/Splash/Storm/Starry/Shimmer/Shade/Spire/Shine/Sparrow/Scar/Slash/Sand/Speckle/Speck/Spotted/Shard/Sharp/Shaggy/Stone/Sprit/Shade
T: Turtle/Tall/Tiger/Thistle/Thorn/Timber
U: U choose!
V: Viper/Vixen/Violet
W: Willow/Weasel/Whisker/Wind/Weed/Wish
X: You choose!
Y: Yarrow/Yellow/Yew
Z: Zebra

If you have no idea what I am talking about, go and search Rainstarleads or Rainstar's destiny.

Firefeather: She is the former deputy of RainClan and was strict to cats, she was responsible and was happy to help cats. Sometimes she was grumpy like an old badger. Suffix: Fur

Icefeather: He is humorous and likes to laugh, he is also kind. Sometimes he could be annoying, but you might think he is cute. Suffix: Feather

Burnflake: He cares about his mate Snowflake very much. Sometimes he is over protective, he doesn't even let her to go and hunt!!! Suffix: Flake

Snowflake: She is beautiful, she had blue eyes and her fur was as white as snow. She is quite caring and had trouble choosing her path, she didn't know if she wanted to be a Medicine cat or be a Warrior. However she fell in love with Burnflake, and decided to be a warrior since being a Medicine cat cannot have a mate. Suffix: Fur

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