Save Me

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Amanda's POV

I wake up from a peaceful dream of Liz and I watching Harry Potter, eating popcorn and sewing up cosplays. Oh how I miss doing those things now. She's in a better place though, right? The night it all happened was just like the peaceful dream I had. What if i could turn back time and not let any of it happen? Somebody please kill me...let me be with her again.

*time skip brought to you by my lazy ass*

It was now around 11PM and I wanted to take a walk. I know it's ridiculous to want to take a walk at that time of night but what harm could it do am I right? I've got nothin left to lose anyways. I grab my sweater and take a walk around the block. I eventually decided to lay in the street and watch the stop lights change colors. It's never busy but if I'm lucky I'll get hit then I could be with Liz. I smile at the thought of cosplaying with her in another life. Maybe being in another life wouldn't be so bad...I could be with her and my dad. Be happy again, just cherish every moment I have with them. My thoughts got interrupted by a car honking. I decided to stay and see if they'd run me over. Unfortunately, they didn't. The driver stepped out of the vehicle and she looked a lot like Liz. I had to do a double take. She asked me if I needed help or needed to go to the hospital which I responded with 'no' to both questions.

*another time skip*

I soon got hope around 1AM, I didn't even mean to be out that late. I called Nikki to see if she'd be awake so I could rant. Rachel, Nikki's girlfriend answered. After about an hour and a half of us talking, I felt slightly better....maybe it's time to let go of her now.

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