tormented encounter

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Hey, dear journal, yes I know basically I don t necessarily like to write my days because my life is not amazing at all but today I know what is going on will surely be important in my life. So I am going to explain to you what happened in my normal student routine but is slightly out of order today.

This morning I returned to class, sat down at the back of the class and prepared as usual. 10 minutes later as I began to fall asleep, the slam of the classroom door made me jump. I thought instantly that it was probably a late student but when the voice started to speak, I heard that it was not at all familiar to me, I looked up to see who it was. was and there I saw a tall very tall and thin young man with dark blond hair with an angelic face who at first seemed a little awkward, shy but a very good guy.

I'm not going to lie to you, I FELL in love with him from the first second. I say FELL because since this idyllic analysis everything has deteriorated little by little.

So I was saying, the teacher, after having given him some insight into his delay, introduced him to us. His name is Ruel, at 17 and moved from Australia to Switzerland a week ago. So he had a very light base of French which didn't bother me because I'm bilingual so I immediately told myself that the contact would pass easily. Then the teacher asked him to sit down where there was room, when he said that, I told myself that I would continue to be alone but surprisingly he put himself at my side.
I was slightly stressed but I did everything to appear as "normal" as possible. I smile at him and thank him for choosing this place.

And it happened the worst that could happen, he smiled back at me but no longer a smile of despair and answered me in the way that confirmed this smirk:
- I just came next to you because it was the only free place at the back and it shows that you are shy so you will not talk to me and thanks to that I would have the impression of being alone and I do not wouldn't be bothered. Well in any case you speak French so you probably understood almost nothing of what I just told you, which is not bad.

Shocked, I did not understand what had just happened. I do not see what I did to once again have the wrath of god on me. At first I told myself that it was just a bad day for him and that it happened to everyone even if my only desire was to deploy all my hatred that I had not expressed for a long time on this little *** and get him out at the other end of the class. But my anxiety and my confinement prevented me from doing so once again and I did not want to appear as the hysteric on duty either.

And in addition with the luck that I have, obviously that the class heard what had just happened, they understood that I had been ridiculed and as usual everyone started talking about it between them and then with the whole college. I, who thought that this new arrival was going to be beneficial to me, I was wrong on the whole line.

Classes went normally and then came noon. I didn't want to face the mockery and stares at every square meter. I went to get my meal in the canteen as quickly as possible and then took refuge in the gym. For an hour I thought about what might have happened if I had answered him, but anyway, just thinking about giving me hives so I moved on.

When I got back from class, I tried to talk to Ruel to find out who and where he had spent his break. Surprisingly he answered me but obviously I did not expect a cheerful answer but quickly answered me that he had not eaten in the canteen and that in any case it did not concern me.

The afternoon went by quickly and there were some interactions with my neighbors for translations even if what happened stuck in my throat but I'm not going to be stubborn and not try to improve the contacts but it would take a minimum that he put his own otherwise we will not hold out for at least a year.
Either way, I'll see tomorrow if it was a bad day or just a lonely kid, yes because I haven't seen him talking with anyone so I don't personally take that little rant.

In any case, this boy puts me in all my shape, if he did not have this face the story would have been settled very quickly but unfortunately his baby face prevents me from concentrating but as they say we can not have beauty and kindness.
I really don't know how I'm going to manage and face this situation with the character that I have but hey we will try to decrypt it little by little. I feel that this goal will make me evolve if I do it well

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