Part 10: Another Farewell

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It was well past noon when the long awaiting peak came into view. The mountain reached up to the heavens, the top lost through the rings of clouds that swallowed the majority. They were enshrouded in shadow from the height and immensity of the mountain, the sun barely peeking out from behind, seemingly waving a farewell.

Below, the Hinterlands continued to stretch vastly. The autumn trees and mountains and hills were everywhere, along with rivers weaving through the forests and woods. The fading sunlight seemed to make the heads of the coniferous trees glow, and the rivers sparkled. Even the many waterfalls ranging about glittered carelessly.

"Where exactly does this hermit live?" Zaryinor asked, scanning the view below. His braid of silky gold fluttered behind him, his hood thrown off so he could enjoy the fresh air. The warmth of the sinking sun was mystical, and more than once he wanted to close his eyes and bask in the rays while the breeze caressed his skin.

"Erm, somewhere on th' peak. That's all I can tell ye." Gaelis squinted her emerald eyes while attentively watching the cliff. "I dunnae have th' sight of ye two or Skye. I suppose we can circle th' mountain an' search fer anythin' promisin'."

"That's about all we can do," Dailyn agreed, his back turned to them. He was facing Skye's tail, enjoying the view from behind. He promised that it would give him a better chance of spotting anything they might've missed, but truthfully the way the sunlight glanced off the lands below was irresistible from this angle.

Zaryinor tightened his grip on Skye's feathers and fur as the hybrid veered smoothly, allowing her great wings to catch the warm updrafts. She glided serenely, her talons tucked close against her breast while her leonine haunches rested through the weaving air. She clicked her beak on occasion while observing the peak, and they slowly began to drift around the impressive cliff.

Zaryinor's ears twitched toward the song Dailyn began to hum. It was a familiar, well known by all of the Quel'dorei. Vastarien had even played it multiple times on his harp. His heart sank at that realization, but he refused to let it bring him down. Instead, he clung to the warm and happy memories of the harp and his father.

Vastarien would've wanted him to focus on the happy times and celebrate those, not mourn the unchangeable.

He focused on the peak, searching through the shadows. He scanned the gathered trees, thick shrubbery, and even multiple spotted crevices where he was certain someone or something could hide. When none of those areas seemed promising, he averted his attention to the waterfalls springing off edges and jutting ledges. Perhaps someone could hide behind a waterfall. It seemed reasonable.

"Ye see anythin'?" Gaelis asked, her thickly accented voice reaching Zaryinor's ears smoothly. Before, he could hardly understand anything she spoke. Everything seemed to run into each other, and her heavy pronunciation caught him unawares. It was an interesting way of speech, but he was growing accustomed to it.

"No," he answered with a sigh, blinking his glowing eyes. There was nothing suspicious behind the waterfalls, and nothing in particular reached his acute vision. Whoever this hermit guy was, he definitely wanted to be hidden. Undoubtedly, remain hidden.

"Maybe we need to drag him out? Like, I don't know, shout something like, 'Hey! Hermit guy from these dwarf stories, can we borrow that fancy ring you got there?'" Dailyn offered innocently.

"Skye, would ye like tae do th' honors?" Gaelis asked, patting the side of her gryphon's mane. Skye's feathers and fur bristled in pleasure, and the hybrid reared. She kicked out her leonine haunches while releasing an earsplitting scream.

The cry echoed across the cliff, ringing off the waterfalls and bouncing from the many boulders scattered about. The sound ricocheted off the cliff-side, swarming around them and filling their ears with the intensity of Skye's call.

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