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I can hear the kids outside as I lay under our chair that's long enough to occupy my unusually tall height for my age.

Wondering why I'm here, yes? Well, my momma believes that we are supposed to sleep during the afternoon around 2-3PM to grow an inch every day. So, I'm here in my favorite spot failing to take a nap.

My eyes can't seem to close itself so I just tried to find anything interesting like my mother sleeping in a corner. I slowly tried to push myself out under the chair and tiptoed my way through the door.

At last, the scorching heat of the afternoon burned my skin but I shrugged it off and wandered myself out of the house. Freedom. How I love this. I watched the kids eagerly chasing one another.

Sweating and giggling, I slowly charged myself as I made my way to them but then, I found my self pushed in the gravel with my hands supporting my weight not to be totally slumped in the ground.

"Ouch!" I screamed as the gravels dig into my hands. I tried to shrug off the stones in my hands and looked into the person whose about to turn my day, totally wrecked. 

Wanderers in DawnWhere stories live. Discover now