Chapter 1.

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Once again, I found my brother and sisters in front of the TV with their eyes so huge it could pop out any moment. And yet, I found myself sitting next to them.

This is the normal day of my life but it isn't the best without the scream of my ever loving momma, "EVERYBODY TURN OFF THAT DAMN TV AND DO YOUR ASSIGNED CHORES!" Yes, that is she and that's normal.

We all got up but nobody attempted to turn off the TV which is showing another episode of Dragonball Z this 6 in the morning. It became our routine, by the way. So we lazily went our own ways to get the things we need.

I am tasked to sweep the front of our house so I got my broomstick and the dustpan to collect some garbage. The early morning is too bright that it made me realize that it is almost the start of the class in a few days.

I grumpily sweep the ground and picked up some garbage while my mind is lost in my head. I am going to be so doomed because I never had the strength to even learn a thing. I like what I am right now.


Hearing that voice made me want to grab my own hair and pull it so hard it rips off. I turned around to find myself facing this kid who got eyes that's twice big as mine. His smirk made me want to go back inside the house.

"Yow, you should've washed your face before going out. You got dried thing in your mouth." He mocked me as usual. Morning routines. I forgot to mention that he is actually part of it.

"Yeah whatever. Can you please continue to wherever you are going. Stop wasting my time." Have I mentioned that it is a memorized line I got used to because of him. He never actually pointed out that it is the same line everyday.

So as usual, he passed by without forgetting to send me the wink. I don't know but I'm trying to forget the face but unfortunately I liked him. Yes, you read that right. I liked him and I always get shy whenever he pass by our house.

We were elementary classmates before but luckily I transferred to this school in the town where my brother is studying. I am a first year high school this school year and I am already enrolled which is less of the worries.

I quickly finished my work and ran back to the house to catch up with the episode. "Everybody gather in the table." Hearing this made me want to stomp my feet but I think its better not to. I don't wanna get scolded for the next 3 hours just because of it.

We peacefully eat breakfast in the morning with my father already in his police uniform. Actually, he is the one call away officer in our neighborhood. People in our place get to asked help from him anytime even in the midnights where most of the troubles happen.

I hurriedly finished my meal and then catch up with the next episode of our favorite series.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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