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Guys I'm sorry but I just can't. It's not the same without the co writer. FanfictionRepublic is one of my best friends. This book is absolutely, without a doubt, one of the things I'll look back on and think "Wow.... Me and Jessie started something great here."

I'd like to mention some special people. These guys are great, and have helped me through everything.

TheVikkToMyStar -Rachel. One of my best friends, and she's just been great. One of the reasons I'm still alive...

BaccaHugs + kate9604 - Kate. What can I say? Just perfect. She's like a sister to me. You've saved me so many times

Pika0318 - Pika. We have history, yes. But you are still like a best friend to me.

Ajax_xajA - Mio. Girl. #snupinforlyfe sister :3

@CrystalTheSorcerer - Cryst. You've juat been such an amazing friend to me

lilster700 -Lily. Thank god I've got you. Your an IRL best friend but you get me when others dont, and you don't laugh when I cry.

Sugg_Lover06 -Katie. Katie, you remind me of a dog. Loyal, bubbly, happy and great to be around. Your just perf ♥

Lilli-Pad-09 -Lilli-Mae. One of the only people who truly understands me. One of the best artists I know. Love you like my sister

Malene928 -Rainy. Thank you for being there for me when I was down

And you guys, my followers!

Also, this is for everyone else, who don't have wattpad. Here are just some names of people.

Livvy ♥

All of team insane. (Even Ian. I suppose even though we fight they're like family to me.)









Anyone who's left team insane.

And all of my followers

It's been fun guys. But every good thing has to end....

This is Stormy Sweg, signing off for the last time

BUT NO! If you write a final chapter and send it to me on Kik or private message, I will post it on here and tell everyone you wrote it!

Now bye bye for now!

(P.S: thats what Ant said omf yes I juat made an inside joke)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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skylox "a tale of two heartbreak's" (colab with @FanfictionRepublic)Where stories live. Discover now