One: Complete Stranger

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He filled the spoon with meth and water, lit a match, he watched as it boiled. Once it was he injected it in his arm, I wanted to stop him but who was I to? For some reason it broke my heart to see him like that. A stranger, a complete stranger yet I stood watching from across the room as he injected himself with the murderer of many people. I could tell by the redness of his eyes that seemed as though he hasn't slept in years, the aggressiveness of his persona, the paleness of his skin that he used before. In a strange messed up way that attracted me towards him, that made me eager to speak to him. To fix him.
I chunged down the last of my beer and confidently walked towards him.

"Nice shirt." I said instantly regretting it.

"Nice legs." He said smirking as he stared at my legs. Suddenly I felt exposed, naked. "How about we go find us a room?"

"Do you think really think that's the reason I came over?" I asked feeling a bit insulted.

"Well then why else?"

"Well I was wondering if you had a blunt."

"Weak." He said giggling as he handed one over to me. In some fucked way his giggle was kind of cute.

"Are you going to take it or just stare at me?"

"Oh thanks." I immediately took the blunt out his hand and lit it.

"Whatever." I wanted to get to know him I wanted to know him.  I took a puff of the blunt and started coughing continuously.

"You've never done it before? Have you?"

"I have." I lied

"It's ok to be innocent, I wish I was."  He smiled the most gorgeous smile a man can ever smile.

"Well I wish I wasn't, I wish I could let loose not care what others think, just be free."

"Then let's do it." He said getting up. His hand was open before me.

"You're kidding me right?" I laughed yet he was serious. "You want me to go with you? A complete stranger?"

"What's the big deal? We go to school together."

"We do?"

"Yeah we have english together."
Shit I've never seen him around.

"You know what fuck it." He said sitting back down.

"No let's do it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I said grabbing his hand.

We ran over to his motorbike and got on. The moon was full and I, Emily Emerson was on a motorbike. Insane.
The wind felt like silk on my skin, my brown hair was flying everywhere. I screamed because I've never felt this alive before and he laughed. We arrived at a party much more intense than the previous one we were at. Girls were barely dressed with bras as sweaters and broken tight Jean shorts, some had nothing but underwear on. Most of the men had piercings and studded jeans with a leather jacket. The music sounded like someone was screaming with loud drumming in the background. If you even call that music. Every corner you either see people sniffing drugs or having full on sex. The atmosphere reeked of alcohol and sweat.

"Now this is what I call a party." He screams over the music. I just smiled.
"Want a beer?"

"Yeah please." Then he disappeared into the crowd but not long after he returned with two huge beers in his hand. I chunked mine down in one go, just to impress him. He didn't pay attention though, he didn't care. He pulled me on to the dance floor and we let the music take over our bodies. God his a terrible dancer. As for me I'm incredible at it. Suddenly my body was flowing to the rythme of this obnoxious music and the whole crowd was circled around me, cheering me on. I glanced over at him and he was smiling. Once the song ended he said I was a terrible dancer.

"Speak for your self." I said half jokingly which caused him to chuckle. We walked over to one of the round booths and he gave me another beer but I rejected. I didn't want to get drunk and do something I would regret. So instead I watched him chunk beer after beer until he was completely drunk. He started crying and I was confused as hell. I could see his broken, something not much people could relate to.

"You shouldn't throw your life away like this. I'd kill for that." He looked at me with confusion written all over his face. "Maybe we should get going, I'll call a cab." I said and he just nodded.

The cab arrived almost 3 hour after I called it, I was frustrated by the time it arrived because he kept on puking all over me. I wondered why his the way he is and how did I not notice him. A guy with looks like his the whole school would drool at the sight of his blue eyes that's compliments pitch black hair. I wondered what it would look like without the redness. His ocean blue eyes unique but also so familiar. I've never seen eyes like his before it's blue but not quite, green but not quite with specks of black and gold it was magnificent honestly. After dropping him at his house, I went over to my friend Rebecca's place and asked if I could crash.

" Where have you been though?" She asks as we lay down on her bed.

"I met some guy at the party."

"Really? What's his name?" She asked excitedly, I then realized I don't know his name. I forgot to ask him, shit!

"I don't know."
"What? You're wilding Emily"
"I'm not wilding, I was just having fun."
" And since when do you have fun, just be careful OK?"
"Of course." I said as I turnt off the lamp. Honestly I didn't want to be careful, I wanted to be anything but careful, I've been careful for way too long. He will be good for me, I can feel it and I think I could be good for him as well.


"Hey Em, get ready you can borrow some of my clothes." Rebecca offers as she wakes me up for school. I was exhausted, barely slept last night, I couldn't get him off my mind. How did I not notice him before? I'm not exactly the outcast of the school, quite the opposite actually. Rebecca but Beck as everyone calls her is the head cheerleader, dating the captain of the football team and the most popular girl in school. We've been friends since infants, my mother and hers are best friends, because of that I guess I get some type of clout. Matthew's extremely overprotective some might say they in a toxic relationship but they love each other endlessly due to that most of the boys are after me, to get recognition from Beck. At first it bothered me but not anymore. Out of my clique I'm the innocent smart one, that gets along with everyone. That knows everyone so how the hell did I not recognize him.

I arrived at lunch and there he was, head in a book, messy black hair hiding his beautiful eyes. I walked up to him and took the seat next to his, ignoring Beck who offered me a seat next to her.

"Hey." I said with a smile on my face but he ignored it. So I continued. "I'm sorry but I didn't quite catch your name last night." He ignored and continued reading his book.
"OK." I said as I begun to walk away.

"Noah, my names Noah Davis."

"I'll see you around Noah Davis." I said causing a slight smile on his face.

When I arrived at the place, Beck held open for me, she, Matthew and a few of his friends were starring at me. "What?"

"Em what the hell were you doing talking to Noah Davis."

"His the guy I was talking to you about."

"Em his back news, just last semester he came out of rehab apparently he OD'ed luckily they saved him. Clearly he relapsed, you got to trust me on this one Em." Beck explains. Maybe that's why I never saw him around. It must of been shit, going through all that. Suddenly I wished I met him sooner, now I longed to be the person he comes to with every heartbreak, I want to be his drug. His addiction.

                          < . >

Authors note..
Thank you for reading, I'll try my best to post a chapter every week. With school and everything it would  be a struggle but I'll try

Lots of love... And follow thank you

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