The Signs Reaction When they see a ghost

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The Signs Reaction When They See A Ghost:

Aries- *starts packing up*

Taurus- says "no, lmao bye." (atapang atao)

Gemini- *asks if they like ice cream* (food is layp)

Cancer- *runs for dear life*

Leo- *Screams and call 911*

Virgo- says "you'reno real, dude. Are you?" (tapang)

Libra- Turns White then Faints

Scorpio- Fall in love (may pag ibig pa sa gitna ng katatakutan)

Sagittarius- *Just laugh* (Happy pill nya yung mumu)

Capricorn- *glares from afar*

Aquarius- *Smiles and winks* (Malandot)

Pisces- *asks why they're here*

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