Third Question

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Seonghwa sighed with a sad smile.

"I still ask myself the same question. I thought we were doing great, you know? Everything, to me at least, was perfect. But one day he suddenly texted me to meet him. He broke up with me that day." Seonghwa said quietly. He reached up to wipe away the tears threatening to spill.

"It was so sudden, it took me almost a full day to comprehend what he had said to me. When it hit me, I cried for weeks on end. He was the one person I'd ever really loved. He'd always joke about me having tons of girlfriends or boyfriends before him, but what he didn't know and what I didn't tell him was that he was my first. My first kiss, first date, first boyfriend, first time..." He paused. "First love."


Yeosang stared down at his hands.

"I was diagnosed with stage three cancer about two weeks before I broke up with him. I brushed off the symptoms and waited too long to go to the doctor. When I finally did it was too late. It had already spread. I couldn't stay with him knowing that I didn't have much longer to live. That wasn't fair to him. That wasn't fair to me. I wanted him to be happy with someone he could have forever. I'm sad that I couldn't be that someone, but unfortunately that's the way it had to go."

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