"You Said You Would Help Me"

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Musical prelude...Everybody needs inspiration, everybody needs a song...a beautiful melod-

"Heyo?" Jade quickly spat out the mouthful of toothpastey water from her mouth and accepted the call. She did not recognize the number, and she asked herself who would be calling her at 7:45 in the morning. 

"Good morning. I hope I am not disturbing you, but this is Mrs. Lhing who you babysat for yesterday. You don't recognize the number because I am using my husband's phone. Hello?"

"Yeah, hello, how can I help you?" Jade asked inquiringly. 

"My baby seems to have liked you...I wonder if you are available in the future...like today."

"Oh, I am so sorry Mrs. Lhing. He is a sweet child, but I will not be available this morning. I go to school."

"Oh that's fine, I was thinking more in the afternoons...you see, I and my husband both work in the afternoons, and I need someone to watch over my boy. I would pay you a monthly salary, and you can come with your homework and stuff if you want."

Jade was elated, "Really?!?!?! Wow! Amazing! When do I start? I know already that Dad will agree cause that's what we both have been wanting for months now - a steady job, and with such a sweet child too!"

Mrs. Lhing laughed at the eagerness she heard in Jade's voice, "This afternoon if you like, from 4:30 to 7:30...no?"

"NO???? YES!!!!"

They both laughed. 

"Well, see you later then, Jade."

"Bye Mrs. Lhing, have a great morning!"

That day, Jade could not really concentrate on her work. She passed the day in a bliss. She was happy at the prospect of babysitting for Eli again and of having a steady job. She felt in heaven. 

After school, she did some homework (she didn't have that much) and decided what to cook for  dinner for her dad. It was almost 4:30, and she decided on something quick. When she came back at 7:30, she would just do some spaghetti - that never took long. As it was just the two of them, and her father worked full time, she did dinner and he did breakfast. Lunch was an option. 

"Bye Jade, behave Eli. Thank you for accepting. Will call you to work out the money details?!" Mrs. Lhing's words tumbled over each other, and before Jade knew it, Mrs. Lhing was gone.

"Well, little Eli, it's just you and me now isn't it?"

"Yes sweet Jade, and do you remember what you said last time?"

"No, what is it?" Jade asked a bit confused. 

"You Said You Would Help Me...IN fact, you promised..."

And he gave that queer little teethless smile of his. 

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