Ice Cream (Sugawara Koshi x Reader)

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*Female Reader*

It was December. Cold, bitter December. Classes were dragging on, the holidays were approaching and you were just existing in all of it. You didn't see your friend Sugawara often anymore, he was busy with practices as they were going to Nationals and had to prepare. You sighed as you rose from your seat and looked out the window, the gloomy gray sky reminding you of Suga.

"(L/n)-Senpai, have a good day!!" A voice called out. It was Nishinoya from Year 2, Class 3. You turned around and waved with a smile. Your Kouhai returned the smile and excitedly ran towards the gym. He suddenly stopped and ran back to you. "(L/n)-Senpai, why don't you come visit the gym?? I'm sure Suga-Kun would appreciate you visiting. I know you miss him."

"I...I have to go do homework, third year is tough haha..." Rubbing the back of your head, you backed away and you could feel your face flush. Thoughts of Suga flooded your mind, working hard, looking to strive further with volleyball, his smile, his eyes. Everything about him.

"Awe that's a bummer!! Anyways have a good one!!" And with that the Libero ran off, leaving you flushed and standing at the entrance. You turned and walked away from the gym, tears welling in your eyes. Were they from the wind or from your feelings about the gray haired boy that currently occupied your thoughts.


You glanced up form your English homework and realized the clock read 10:30 pm. You sighed and rubbed your eyes. You were just about finished when you saw that your phone had a lit up from a message. You grabbed it and saw that you had a couple random ones, lthere was one from Asahi-Kun and Nishinoya-Kun but the one that caught your eye was the one from Sugawara.

Suga: Hey there stranger, Nishinoya-Kun told me he talked to you today, only briefly though. Sorry we haven't been able to hang out, we're really busy preparing for Nationals. I'm free on Sunday if you are. We can hang out then, I know it's been forever. Text me back when you can :D

You felt your heart skip a beat. He managed to get free time. Free time for YOU. You blushed heavily and held the phone.

(Y/n): You got time out of that busy schedule to hang out with me?? I'll take that up in an instant!! What time??

Suga: Is 12:30 a good time?? And what are you still doing up?? You should be sleeping!!

(Y/n): Says you, I'm finishing up my homework. I'll see you in class tomorrow. You better sleep!!

You smiled so much your cheeks hurt. You finished the rest of your English rather quickly and plugged in your phone for the night. You smiled happily as you thought about Sunday, enjoying the sleep that soon came.


The next few days dragged on super slowly. You had chatted with Suga about where you were gonna meet up and hang out, which ended up becoming an ice cream parlor that was a decent walk that you guys could meet up at.

You woke up on Sunday and put on a cozy outfit that would look cute and keep you warm at the same time. You told your dad where you were off to and he smiled and said good bye. You started the walk with a big pep in your step and a grin. You were happy.


"(Y/n)-Chan~!! Over here!!" The Silver boy called out to you and you joined him in line. "How was the walk?? My mom almost held me up." He smiled, capturing your heart. God you loved him...

"It was a good walk, the fresh air felt nice. It wasn't too windy either so that made it so much better," you replied returning the smile. You looked at him and noticed he had a small blush to his cheeks, but you couldn't tell what is from.

The two of you ordered your ice cream after what felt like forever, Suga ordering Vanilla soft serve with rainbow sprinkles and you getting (favorite flavor) with (favorite topping). You smiled at him again, happy you two could hang out.

"I really am sorry we haven't been able to hang out lately, you know how it is with the team...Daichi has been super intense and being vice captain I have to back him up and we have these first years-HEY don't steal my ice cream!!" You interrupted him by stealing a spoonful of his ice cream. Triumphantly you ate the spoonful and stuck your tongue out at him. He sighed and then chuckled. "You haven't changed at all, you're the cutest."

That made you stop. Your heart skipped. AGAIN. You blushed. You blushed hard. Your whole face was pink. As you blushed, Suga blushed realizing what he said.  So you both sat there, blushing profusely. Neither of you could speak because of how embarrassed you were of yourselves.  

Suddenly, an idea popped into your head.

"H-Here...have a spoonful of mine..." You grabbed a spoonful of yours, with his spoon, and went to give it to him. He waited, mouth partly open when it happened. You kissed him with the intention of hoping he could feel how much you loved him. 

To your surprise, he kissed you back, and you could feel the intensity from him and his feelings. You both pulled away and smiled at each other. You bit your lip and looked into your ice cream not sure what to do. You didn't expect to get this far.

"I-I guess you like me?? Because if so...I like you too...And I'd like to be your boyfriend...If you'd like me to of course..." Suga stammered, he was blushing, you were blushing and you looked up.

"I'd love to, I've liked you for a while now. So we're a thing??" You replied blushing deeply.

"We're a thing. Let me walk you home."

"We're not done hanging out yet!! We have to watch movies and stuff!!"

"That's the plan silly." 

And with that you two walked back to your house, holding hands and smiling.  

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