Homework (Daichi Suwamura x Reader)

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*Female Reader*

"Asahiiiiii.....why can't you help me with this..???" You rolled around on the floor of his room with a loud groan. You two had been talking about the most random things, his team coming up most often. You knew he still felt bad for leaving them for a month but he had gotten so much stronger as a person and as a volleyball player. 

But you kept talking about the captain, Daichi. His strong physique was something people always noticed first about him. And that applied to you as well, but there were many other things you had noticed about him. The way his hair falls in his eyes, his eyes were gorgeous. You loved his strong personality and he was caring at the same time.

"Because (Y/n), you have to tell him yourself!! I can't just do everything for you. You gotta man up one day," He responded with a sigh, taking his hair down.

"But I get so flustered everytime I talk to him!! He's just so...so..." You finished with a groan and sat up and looked at your best friend. He gave you a look and smiled, rolling his eyes.

"You want me to get Suga-Kun involved with this?? He could probably help you out with this. Besides, I'm not the best with relationship advice..." Asahi responded rubbing the back of his head.

"Says the one in a relationship with his Libero," you retorted with a smirk. You watched as he got all flustered and hide his face. Chuckling you flopped backwards. "You guys could always do homework together and then confess during that. I mean, he is pretty smart and I know you struggle with math..."

"You know Asahi, that isn't so bad!! You're pretty decent with relationship advice you know that??"

"(Y/n)...You're too nice..."

"Well, I AM your best friend you know, besides your boyfriend~~~~"

"(Y/n)!!!!" He flushed even deeper than before and you laughed, thinking about Daichi.

**Time skip brought to you by Daichi's thicc thighs**

Monday morning came around and you went about your business like usual. Paying attention in class, chatting with your friends, thinking about Daichi, eating during your breaks, looking at Daichi...He was flooding your thoughts and you rested your head on your desk and sighed. This was going to be harder than you thought.

"Oi, (L/n), you okay??" You looked up and speak of the devil, he shall arrive. The captain of the boys volleyball team was standing next to your desk and he looked concerned. "If you're sick you should stay home, it's better to rest up than to over exert yourself. Just don't get too sick alright??" 

"Uh-Daichi-San, I'm not sick. Thank you for the concern though, I appreciate it. I'm just conflicted with some emotions and this math is really frustrating me. I just can't grasp the concepts. Could you help me one day you're free?? I know you have a lot being captain and all..." You replied, the words flying out of your mouth before you could think about it. Realizing what you said you started to flush and looked for the shy man you called a best friend. Luckily he had just entered the room to eat lunch with you, a normal occurence. 

He gave you a smile as he approached you and you returned it with the most scared look in the world. Daichi noticed and gave his friend a high five and a smile. You went to grab your lunch only to realize you forgot at home, it was sitting on the counter. You sighed and cursed slightly while the two boys sat around you and a third gray haired boy joined you. You gave Asahi a knowing look and he nodded, understanding what happened.

"Look at us, the four amigos!!" Sugawara said cheerfully as he smiled brightly. "(L/n)-Chan, where's your lunch?? You ALWAYS have a bento."

"I...accidentally left it at home, on the kitchen counter. I was in such a rush this morning I guess I forgot it...Asahi can we share a bit-" 

"(L/n), we can share, I don't mind. I can get something from a vending machine later. And besides, we have math to do later, we can do it after practice, " Daichi cut you off with a smile and opened his lunch. Shocked, you just nodded and went along with it. 

The two of you shared his lunch and the day went on as is, you went home as he went to volleyball practice. You finished the rest of your homework and left the math to the side so you could work on it with Daichi. 

It was about 8:15 pm, your parents knew that Daichi was coming over. You heard some voices outside your window and saw Asahi and Daichi walking down the street. You went to the front door and put your shoes on to go outside and greet them. 

As soon as they got to your property you went out and hugged Asahi, thanking him for bringing Daichi to your house. You smiled and gave him another hug as he got a phone call.

"Hey Yuu, Yeah, i just dropped Daichi off at (Y/n)'s house...Yeah, I'm heading home now, we can talk..." He waved goodbye and continued his walk to his house.

"I didn't realize you two lived so close together, I guess that's why you two are best friends," He commented as you entered your house and introduced him to your parents.

"Yeah, he's a great friend, very caring, he and Nishinoya-Kun are a great couple as well," You replied entering your room. "I finished all of my other homework so I just need help with the math, if you don't mind. I know you have other homework...There's some stuff I can grasp and some I can't, I really appreciate the help Daichi. It means a lot."

"It's not a problem, I enjoy helping people out, you'll be super easy to teach, unlike my freakish first years. " Chuckling, he set his stuff down as you sat at the small table in your room. The two of you started working, with Daichi explaining certain equations and how to apply them when you needed him to. He made it so much easier, you were actually learning and were slowly able to apply the theories and equations with a lot less difficulty before.

Soon but not soon enough the two of you finished, he had actually gotten the rest of his homework  done as you worked on the math. You were extremely grateful for the help and you wanted to show him how grateful you were for the help. 

"H-Hey, Daichi, I really want to thank you for the help. It means a lot, you actually taught me with ease. I mean, I don't really struggle with math but for some reason this was just super hard to grasp." Stuttering a bit, you looked at the soon to be adult and gave a soft smile. You didn't notice it but the captain was blushing from your comment.

"It's no big deal, I enjoy spending time with you. You're an awesome person (Y/n), I'll always help you out, unless someone in my family died obviously," He responded gathering his stuff together in his bag. "Let me know if you need more help with this, alright?? I'll help you out with any other things you need with as well, alright??"

"Well...there is one more thing you might be able to help me out with..." You responded, blushing.

"And what's that??"

"My feelings toward someone..."

"Who are they to??"

"Well, he's the captain of his volleyball team, he's really caring, strong,  serious when needed...he has great thighs..." You described Daichi himself, accidentally letting the thigh comment slip.

"Oh, do you mean Kuroo from Nekoma High?? I didn't know you knew-"

"It's you silly, I like you..." You cut him off and looked away from his face blushing deeply. 

"Well, in that case I can help you. I've been pretty silent about it to people but I like you too...Asahi knows, he's great at keeping secrets. But, if you're willing, would you be my girlfriend??" He looked at you with the softest smile in the world.

"I...uh...Yes, I will be your girlfriend, I would really enjoy it." Blushing and looking at him, you smiled back, happy that he had liked you back.

"Awesome, that's awesome, you're awesome, man you're great, this is awesome, I'll let you know when I get home, I have to get going, I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Daichi," You noted and waved as he walked out of sight. You pulled out your phone to call your best friend. "Asahi, you're never going to believe it..."

Haikyuu x Reader One Shots (SFW & NSFW)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz